
Frostyware Games Signup thread

Root / General / [.]

if you want to join, tell me!

Current Members(as of 7/29/18): Dfrost2(myself; leader(if that is OK)) Shelly

I want to join!!! Oh wait... We're already in a collaboration. Guess that won't be necessary, then. Since we've merged, does that mean shelly will be of assistance aswell?

I don't know about Shelly because I don't think I have the right to speak for him/her even though I am the founder of Frostyware. We can be our separate groups but still collaborate. and be in each other's groups

I already have a Group. RGames


I already have a Group. RGames
Yep, that's right.

OK GUYS HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! I am adding texture adding an ability in 3D! you can probably make graphics at the quality of the original DOOM at ~41 FPS I do have to note that this is without using VSYNC or WAIT it would work best at 30 FPS because it is a universal FPS

i would join but i'm out of upload slots and already have a game dev group lol

I like 8 of these posts aren't even about this group or wanting to sign up for this group. Yeop. Agred.

Let's actually do something productive. Please

I'm gonna sign up... IF ITS FREEEEEEE

Let's actually do something productive. Please
Yeah that'd be nice. I started Project_2, btw.