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If you found this ...
Say goodbye"
The game has not even begun its development
This page is just a placeholder for something that will surely come out until 2023 (no kidding)
Probablemente debido a la mención del Nintendo Switch. no puedes usar nada con derechos de autor en SB. Además, ya hice esta pregunta en inglés
La clave probablemente fue eliminada debido a los derechos de autor y a los administradores de SmileBASIC, no a los administradores de SmileBASIC Source que fueron quienes la eliminaron. A los administradores de SmileBASIC Source no les importa.
Lo siento por mi español defectuoso, estoy usando Google Translate
But do you have french toast sticks?
This feedback is important, it could cancel the proyect
Yes, an maybe, just maybe, slightly better grammar will make people take you and your comments more seriously. Sorry but please fix that. "proyect" "is not complete" "FORNATI" "WHETEVER" "soon will be" "is not ready yet..." " simeone". This may be a joke, or your fluent in a different language and is trying to learn writing English, but at least explain why you write like this. Sorry if I'm offensive.
their native language is spanish if i recall correctly. also, these spelling issues like "proyect" and "whetever" are common in spanish ppl speaking english as "project" is "proyecto" in spanish and "whetever" matches the spanish pronunciation of "whatever"... also "is not ready" "is not complete" are correct
Lol @banana full context: "Say good-bye,is not complete
But soon will be ready..." And
"Is not ready... Again
Yes... FNAE is coming to NSwitch! 100% True not fake"
Which are both not correct and should say: "Say good-bye, THIS is not complete, but soon IT will be ready..." And "IT is not ready... again. Yes, FNAE is coming to Nintendo Switch! 100% True not fake." But anyways thanks for telling me he originally speaks Spanish.
don't get why "NSwitch" should be corrected to "Nintendo Switch". it's like you forced me to say "PlayStation 4" instead of the much nicer and smaller "PS4" sorry if I'm being anti grammarnazi it just kinda pisses me off sorry sorry
Well I guess it shouldn't have to be changed. I just have a problem with abbreviated words. Like *cringing (because I actually am): U, r, gr8, m8 and much more. (I just don't want to waste my time too much.)
I have been reading the comments and I have found some things about my grammar ...
I am Mexican, I do not master the English language and I continue studying it, I am not offended that they tell me how bad it is, I even feel grateful. the words like FORNATI are just to do this not so serious, and the abbreviations like Nswitch use them because according to my personal experience they removed hallucinatory material from FNAE PLUS, and I don't know if that's it. On other mistakes I will keep trying to fix them. Thanks for the support
most people don't care if you do or not
Lol apparently they do.