Enter the Ring
guess i'm gonna just quietly lay this game to rest. to ambitious for my current skill. maybe i'll revive it as a mode in a future project, likely not in basic. really for real sad about this but what can i really DO with my very bad skill at basic. you will know me as codinginept. on a side note how can i stack pipes in mario maker 2.
this is one of the quit scenes
those are scenes that play out when the player decides to quit. they lead into a game over to make going back to the title screen easier for me to program. also this screenshot here is using part of the to be scrapped night colors cuz i was trying to make a day-night kinda thing that would switch between day or night depending on when you'd start the game. i kept accidentally overwriting the day sheet though so i just decided to make it day-only. also there were going to be day and night specific events but not much i can do about that now.
ok so funny story the gameplay is gonna take some SERIOUS knocks here. just to make it easier on me you only have one attack. but if i get this finished i'll probably either make a sequel to this that's just better or HEAVILY update it once it's out. anyway the reason i'm here right now is two things, #1 i need a system that detects if you're holding down on a button which i hope will serve two functions being to disallow other button presses while the aforementioned button is held and so that i can have an attack charging system. i already have sort of what the ground work for that system, so i just need to kinda sorta inject something in there that prevents other buttons from being detected. so like help please. and #2, i need help making idle animations work. once i have those done, i can move into enemies and general gameplay.
so uh i figured out mml so i'm gonna try to make some good music. it's not as hard as my tiny brain thought. also i did it mostly on my own.
(edit because of afterthought) of course not WELL but i can make it make sound. but uh i would like to know how i can get a note to go longer than 1 cuz for some reason the higher a number gets the shorter the note gets.