Dev/Bugreports for SKKBAUI

The results are here!
The menus will stay as they are.
Windows XP sounds will be added and used if you want to.
A NitroBoot animation will be added to coincide with the next nostalgic update.
These above additions will come after the December update.
Shortcuts have an extra row for longer names (useful for german words as they can be much longer)
The Windows XP (officially called "Luna") theme is now selectable. The coloring options except for the background image will smoothly collapse and vanish when you select Luna.
the current base but I'll update it maybe

Here're some tweaks I currently did

Hey, CY, I've got some sort of new concept of a new way to develop the UI.
what are you talking about, squat?
I've got an idea to boost a little bit the development for Sakakibara UI. The Private Beta is a way to test and edit errors, so we can get further development. Now, how this works then? It's easy, CY64 will make public keys of the private beta and distribute them to the dev. members. When the day of the update comes out, everyone will show what they have tweaked on the Mock OS, and then choose the most stable BUILD. ALSO, DONT FORGET THIS! In this case, the BUILDS have their own code names, what I'm trying to mean is, my BUILD's code name is "Harp", and the other user's code name of his/her BUILD is "Infinity".Hey, CY, I've got some sort of new concept of a new way to develop the UI.This would be good if SB had a proper version control system. Also, what if someone has a super-cool feature in their build but it's dropped as unstable? Your idea is good, but, as I said, without a good version controlling system, doesn't work (or at least it's hard to work with)what are you talking about, squat?
I've got an idea to boost a little bit the development for Sakakibara UI. The Private Beta is a way to test and edit errors, so we can get further development. Now, how this works then? It's easy, CY64 will make public keys of the private beta and distribute them to the dev. members. When the day of the update comes out, everyone will show what they have tweaked on the Mock OS, and then choose the most stable BUILD. ALSO, DONT FORGET THIS! In this case, the BUILDS have their own code names, what I'm trying to mean is, my BUILD's code name is "Harp", and the other user's code name of his/her BUILD is "Infinity".
Good point though... Maybe a dev. kit programmed by anyone (you can also say that I can program it) can *probably* resolve the problem.Hey, CY, I've got some sort of new concept of a new way to develop the UI.This would be good if SB had a proper version control system. Also, what if someone has a super-cool feature in their build but it's dropped as unstable? Your idea is good, but, as I said, without a good version controlling system, doesn't work (or at least it's hard to work with)what are you talking about, squat?
I've got an idea to boost a little bit the development for Sakakibara UI. The Private Beta is a way to test and edit errors, so we can get further development. Now, how this works then? It's easy, CY64 will make public keys of the private beta and distribute them to the dev. members. When the day of the update comes out, everyone will show what they have tweaked on the Mock OS, and then choose the most stable BUILD. ALSO, DONT FORGET THIS! In this case, the BUILDS have their own code names, what I'm trying to mean is, my BUILD's code name is "Harp", and the other user's code name of his/her BUILD is "Infinity".
I guess there's always GitHub. That makes pull requests possible, which would be incredibly helpful in achieving what the_squat was looking for.Hey, CY, I've got some sort of new concept of a new way to develop the UI.This would be good if SB had a proper version control system. Also, what if someone has a super-cool feature in their build but it's dropped as unstable? Your idea is good, but, as I said, without a good version controlling system, doesn't work (or at least it's hard to work with)what are you talking about, squat?
I've got an idea to boost a little bit the development for Sakakibara UI. The Private Beta is a way to test and edit errors, so we can get further development. Now, how this works then? It's easy, CY64 will make public keys of the private beta and distribute them to the dev. members. When the day of the update comes out, everyone will show what they have tweaked on the Mock OS, and then choose the most stable BUILD. ALSO, DONT FORGET THIS! In this case, the BUILDS have their own code names, what I'm trying to mean is, my BUILD's code name is "Harp", and the other user's code name of his/her BUILD is "Infinity".
So... should I upload everything I have in the private beta to GitHub? And if so, raw or converted (GRPs > PNGs; PRGs, TXTs > TXTs; DATs > CSVs)? (I'll go ahead and upload them converted.)I guess there's always GitHub. That makes pull requests possible, which would be incredibly helpful in achieving what the_squat was looking for.Hey, CY, I've got some sort of new concept of a new way to develop the UI.This would be good if SB had a proper version control system. Also, what if someone has a super-cool feature in their build but it's dropped as unstable? Your idea is good, but, as I said, without a good version controlling system, doesn't work (or at least it's hard to work with)what are you talking about, squat?
I've got an idea to boost a little bit the development for Sakakibara UI. The Private Beta is a way to test and edit errors, so we can get further development. Now, how this works then? It's easy, CY64 will make public keys of the private beta and distribute them to the dev. members. When the day of the update comes out, everyone will show what they have tweaked on the Mock OS, and then choose the most stable BUILD. ALSO, DONT FORGET THIS! In this case, the BUILDS have their own code names, what I'm trying to mean is, my BUILD's code name is "Harp", and the other user's code name of his/her BUILD is "Infinity".
Raw would be better. That way the files can be preserved in their original format and don't have to be converted again.So... should I upload everything I have in the private beta to GitHub? And if so, raw or converted (GRPs > PNGs; PRGs, TXTs > TXTs; DATs > CSVs)? (I'll go ahead and upload them converted.)I guess there's always GitHub. That makes pull requests possible, which would be incredibly helpful in achieving what the_squat was looking for.Hey, CY, I've got some sort of new concept of a new way to develop the UI.This would be good if SB had a proper version control system. Also, what if someone has a super-cool feature in their build but it's dropped as unstable? Your idea is good, but, as I said, without a good version controlling system, doesn't work (or at least it's hard to work with)what are you talking about, squat?
I've got an idea to boost a little bit the development for Sakakibara UI. The Private Beta is a way to test and edit errors, so we can get further development. Now, how this works then? It's easy, CY64 will make public keys of the private beta and distribute them to the dev. members. When the day of the update comes out, everyone will show what they have tweaked on the Mock OS, and then choose the most stable BUILD. ALSO, DONT FORGET THIS! In this case, the BUILDS have their own code names, what I'm trying to mean is, my BUILD's code name is "Harp", and the other user's code name of his/her BUILD is "Infinity".
I've done both RepositoryRaw would be better. That way the files can be preserved in their original format and don't have to be converted again.So... should I upload everything I have in the private beta to GitHub? And if so, raw or converted (GRPs > PNGs; PRGs, TXTs > TXTs; DATs > CSVs)? (I'll go ahead and upload them converted.)I guess there's always GitHub. That makes pull requests possible, which would be incredibly helpful in achieving what the_squat was looking for.Hey, CY, I've got some sort of new concept of a new way to develop the UI.This would be good if SB had a proper version control system. Also, what if someone has a super-cool feature in their build but it's dropped as unstable? Your idea is good, but, as I said, without a good version controlling system, doesn't work (or at least it's hard to work with)what are you talking about, squat?
I've got an idea to boost a little bit the development for Sakakibara UI. The Private Beta is a way to test and edit errors, so we can get further development. Now, how this works then? It's easy, CY64 will make public keys of the private beta and distribute them to the dev. members. When the day of the update comes out, everyone will show what they have tweaked on the Mock OS, and then choose the most stable BUILD. ALSO, DONT FORGET THIS! In this case, the BUILDS have their own code names, what I'm trying to mean is, my BUILD's code name is "Harp", and the other user's code name of his/her BUILD is "Infinity".
Idea: Add a new theme alongside Standard and Luma (XP), this new theme would be named Aero (Longhorn). Aero (Longhorn) would resemble the Aero effects from Windows Longhorn build 4074.
Idea: Add a new theme alongside Standard and Luma (XP), this new theme would be named Aero (Longhorn). Aero (Longhorn) would resemble the Aero effects from Windows Longhorn build 4074.Idea: Add a new theme creator or something along with presets (themes already added/suggested) (if it can be done reasonably)
Idea: Add a new theme alongside Standard and Luma (XP), this new theme would be named Aero (Longhorn). Aero (Longhorn) would resemble the Aero effects from Windows Longhorn build 4074.r/iamverysmart Why don't you just say Aero? I just searched "windows longhorn build 4074" and the Aero effects look the same as Windows 7...
Idea: Add a new theme alongside Standard and Luma (XP), this new theme would be named Aero. Aero would resemble the Aero effects from WindowsYeah, I thought about having these little stripes in the blur to make it Win7-like. Some details are going to be missing though.Longhorn build 4074.Vista/7!
Idea: Add a new theme creator or something along with presets (themes already added/suggested) (if it can be done reasonably)
What I first thought about after reading this
I could just make "program data" that サカキバラUI would read the contents of, for the theme styles. It'll have identifiers like the language packs and all the graphic commands to shape the windows/design the blur using DEF or GOSUB I guess. The data gets loaded in program slot 1. (Y'know string contents cannot be executed sadly) You will have no program slots available while directly on the desktop but can use slot 1 for external (non-desktop) programs. A theme creator... Could be done but I'm not really capable of making ridiculously complex stuff in like 2 or 3 months straight. I'd simply go ahead and tell anyone who wants to make themes that they have to make the themes in a specific way, like ミドリOS does with TEMPLATE.PKG but just as theme. TEMPLATE.THMWhen the December Update's coming?
WHAT DAY NOT WHAT MONTHWhen the December Update's coming?December
Stop and guide yourselves to the railway named being on-topic.The joke Your headWHAT DAY NOT WHAT MONTHWhen the December Update's coming?December