I have also new ideas, like the (creepy) Sonic CD Easter Egg, or add an Easter Egg that lets you use the next beta features, like putting on the text editor something like "Time Machine", or "Beta Test".... Or a Morse code. EDIT: And I think this really NEED Games.I would recommend porting the new code from the new version of Midori over. I also have another suggestion: I like how to you want add easter eggs, but I feel that some of them are REALLY unneeded. I'm talking about the blue screen option on the taskbar and the random noises Windows6Mix makes. Please just remove those. If you want to make easter eggs, try to make them more hidden, like the Windows 95 "Clouds" easter egg. I would also recommend removing all of the easter eggs from the command line (or make them separate programs), as well as the "Something went wrong" screen when exiting without using the shutdown option. Maybe just provide a text box saying that if you exit without shutting down you'll lose changes you've made. I know it's just a Mock OS, but I think the easter eggs it has right now lessen its usability.Is this going to have its own API for programs, or will it build off of something like OTYAX or Midori? I would recommend having an API that builds off of one of the two (preferably Midori due to it having more programs made for it and having an easier way to import programs, but I think OTYAX has more extensibility). EDIT: After downloading the beta it seems to use Midori as a base. Could you try to increase compatibility with original Midori programs though? Almost none of the ones that come with Midori work.I told this is based off of ミドリ's beta and I'll try my best to get compatibility between Win6Mix and ミドリOS... EDIT: Because of this, it'll take a while until the new beta is available...
Dev/Bugreports for SKKBAUI
Root / Talk About Programs / [.]
I would recommend porting the new code from the new version of Midori over. I also have another suggestion: I like how to you want add easter eggs, but I feel that some of them are REALLY unneeded. I'm talking about the blue screen option on the taskbar and the random noises Windows6Mix makes. Please just remove those. If you want to make easter eggs, try to make them more hidden, like the Windows 95 "Clouds" easter egg. I would also recommend removing all of the easter eggs from the command line (or make them separate programs), as well as the "Something went wrong" screen when exiting without using the shutdown option. Maybe just provide a text box saying that if you exit without shutting down you'll lose changes you've made. I know it's just a Mock OS, but I think the easter eggs it has right now lessen its usability.Is this going to have its own API for programs, or will it build off of something like OTYAX or Midori? I would recommend having an API that builds off of one of the two (preferably Midori due to it having more programs made for it and having an easier way to import programs, but I think OTYAX has more extensibility). EDIT: After downloading the beta it seems to use Midori as a base. Could you try to increase compatibility with original Midori programs though? Almost none of the ones that come with Midori work.I told this is based off of ミドリ's beta and I'll try my best to get compatibility between Win6Mix and ミドリOS... EDIT: Because of this, it'll take a while until the new beta is available...
Of course. random_god already suggested to add "Epid" but you may suggest some others too.I know this post is old, but I could make a "Beta Test" game called Galaxy Blaster, a Shoot 'Em Up game that I'm working on, but need help. EDIT: The game is on "Alpha", huh...
3DS-ish manual for our projects! We still need to make this button-operational as it is touch-based with velocity when released! It allows certain things like portions of the manual's own GRP. The page you're looking at hasFinally I've got it back somewhat but I've gone beyond it, making it less dev-friendly but is more efficient as you can use 2 "full" GRP screens as 1 page. Load times depend on whether you want to load GRPs and how much text you add using anything but GPUTCHR. (Japanese pages could load much faster.) It removes all gradients (buttons excluded) for old 3DS systems so it still runs at 60 FPS. The top screen does lag on the old ones due to the GCOPYs so it will run at ~30FPS by rendering every 2nd frame but at least most GFX bugs are gone and you can still scroll as fast as on the new systems. If you want you can have language support but it can also be turned off. As always, it requires the XCMD.LIB library to function because I use my GPRINT_NEW which is like Multifont but my style. EDIT: Typos all over the place...responcible for it.this
@PG002 DATA"¥<000,400,304,112>" DATA"" DATA"^ Progress in a level" DATA"^ Pause game" DATA"^ Take screenshot" DATA"~~You can only take screenshots if you" DATA"using SmileBASIC versin 3.6.0 or" DATA"newer.~000000" ...
Oh, man...
Oh, man... [poll=p360][/poll]Changing polls unnecessarily lol... I have developed a 200 line instruction that basically spaces text how you want. You would just have to change the DATA stuff in the instruction. Just letting you know, but it's big mostly because of DATA. It also has like 10 arguments lol
I have developed a 200 line instruction that basically spaces text how you want. You would just have to change the DATA stuff in the instruction. Just letting you know, but it's big mostly because of DATA. It also has like 10 arguments lolMy abandoned IMGFRAME DEF (found in XCMD.LIB) also has 10 args and is like 50 long lines big. lol
If you want, I can put up a key and you could look at it. There are a few cool things you can do with it, but I am still trying to figure out italics. You can bold, underline, and strikethrough your text along with any combo of those. I think it has automatic line scrolling, but it doesn't scroll the whole word. You can also make it print each letter with a timer and a beep.I have developed a 200 line instruction that basically spaces text how you want. You would just have to change the DATA stuff in the instruction. Just letting you know, but it's big mostly because of DATA. It also has like 10 arguments lolMy abandoned IMGFRAME DEF (found in XCMD.LIB) also has 10 args and is like 50 long lines big. lol
Add easter eggsWell... [poll=p606][/poll] RESULTS: Well, I see that almost EVERYONE voted for the mysterious one, so here it is. Using a secret password... You can use the next beta features! Thats it.
Basically, my GPRINT_NEW bit more enhanced... Sounds nice. Sure, I'd like to see it myself.If you want, I can put up a key and you could look at it. There are a few cool things you can do with it, but I am still trying to figure out italics. You can bold, underline, and strikethrough your text along with any combo of those. I think it has automatic line scrolling, but it doesn't scroll the whole word. You can also make it print each letter with a timer and a beep.I have developed a 200 line instruction that basically spaces text how you want. You would just have to change the DATA stuff in the instruction. Just letting you know, but it's big mostly because of DATA. It also has like 10 arguments lolMy abandoned IMGFRAME DEF (found in XCMD.LIB) also has 10 args and is like 50 long lines big. lol
Ok. LBDNW34J The biggest problem I see with it is it's 200 lines of code, but there may be more.Basically, my GPRINT_NEW bit more enhanced... Sounds nice. Sure, I'd like to see it myself.If you want, I can put up a key and you could look at it. There are a few cool things you can do with it, but I am still trying to figure out italics. You can bold, underline, and strikethrough your text along with any combo of those. I think it has automatic line scrolling, but it doesn't scroll the whole word. You can also make it print each letter with a timer and a beep.I have developed a 200 line instruction that basically spaces text how you want. You would just have to change the DATA stuff in the instruction. Just letting you know, but it's big mostly because of DATA. It also has like 10 arguments lolMy abandoned IMGFRAME DEF (found in XCMD.LIB) also has 10 args and is like 50 long lines big. lol
Ok. LBDNW34J The biggest problem I see with it is it's 200 lines of code, but there may be more.I have the FONTDLL% array and I use AND, so I could shrink its size to perhaps 30 lines.
Sorry for spamming...
I slighty improved it. It includes Italic and I fixed the dotted lines when SX is higher than 1.
EDIT: Although it is very unlikely, if you give SY a value higher than 33, then it will start cutting itself in to the top screen, regarding if you use GRP page 0 as the top/touch screen (or even perhaps as a frame buffer)
EDIT 2: For my regardings, speed is important, especially for my manual, as it is gonna use GPRINT_NEW and/or your GTEXT and I wouldn't want pages to take 10 seconds to render once, giving a 15 second load time, so improve FOR with WHILE.
ACLS VSYNC FOR I=0 TO 15 VSYNC 5 GTEXT0 0,I*10,"Hello world!",1,1,#WHITE,6,0,0,I NEXT COMMON DEF GTEXT0 X,Y,ST$,SX,SY,CC,VS,BP,BPFREQ,FLG VAR TOTCOORD VAR ADDC VAR I,J,K,VP,WP 'Print each character GPAGE OUT VP,WP FOR I=0 TO LEN(ST$)-1 RESTORE "@"+STR$(ASC(MID$(ST$,I,1))) READ ADDC IF ADDC+TOTCOORD>400 THEN'Automatically goes to next line INC Y,SY*8'DOES NOT BRING WHOLE WORD DOWN. TOTCOORD=0 ENDIF IF FLG<8 THEN GPUTCHR TOTCOORD+X,Y,MID$(ST$,I,1),SX,SY,CC ELSEIF FLG>7 THEN'Italic(WIP) GPAGE VP,0 GFILL 0,512-8*SY,511,511,0 GPUTCHR 16,512-8*SY,ST$[I],SX,SY,CC FOR J=512-8*SY TO 511 GCOPY 0,0,J,511,J,((511-J)/2),J,1 NEXT GPAGE VP,WP FOR K=0 TO (FLG AND 1) GCOPY 0,16,512-8*SY,511,511,TOTCOORD+X+K,Y,0 NEXT ENDIF 'Types of text IF (FLG AND 1)&&FLG<8 THEN'Bold GPUTCHR TOTCOORD+X+SX,Y,MID$(ST$,I,1),SX,SY,CC ENDIF IF FLG AND 2 THEN'Strike GLINE TOTCOORD+X,Y+4*SY,TOTCOORD+X+(ADDC+(FLG AND 1)+1)*SX,Y+4*SY,CC ENDIF IF FLG AND 4 THEN'Underline GLINE TOTCOORD+X,Y+7*SY,TOTCOORD+X+(ADDC+(FLG AND 1)+1)*SX,Y+7*SY,CC ENDIF IF BP!=-1 AND MID$(ST$,I,1)!=CHR$(32) THEN BEEP BP,BPFREQ INC TOTCOORD,(ADDC+FLG MOD 2)*SX VSYNC VS NEXT 'Width Data 'How wide these characters are in pixels @32'Space DATA 4 @33'! DATA 2 @34'" DATA 4 @35'# DATA 6 @36'$ DATA 6 @37'% DATA 6 @38'& DATA 6 @39'' DATA 4 @40'( DATA 5 @41') DATA 5 @42'* DATA 6 @43'+ DATA 6 @44', DATA 4 @45'- DATA 6 @46'. DATA 4 @47'/ DATA 6 @48'0 DATA 6 @49'1 DATA 6 @50'2 DATA 6 @51'3 DATA 6 @52'4 DATA 6 @53'5 DATA 6 @54'6 DATA 6 @55'7 DATA 6 @56'8 DATA 6 @57'9 DATA 6 @58': DATA 3 @59'; DATA 3 @60'< DATA 6 @61'= DATA 6 @62'> DATA 6 @63'? DATA 6 @64'@ DATA 6 @65'A DATA 6 @66'B DATA 6 @67'C DATA 6 @68'D DATA 6 @69'E DATA 6 @70'F DATA 6 @71'G DATA 6 @72'H DATA 6 @73'I DATA 4 @74'J DATA 6 @75'K DATA 6 @76'L DATA 6 @77'M DATA 6 @78'N DATA 6 @79'O DATA 6 @80'P DATA 6 @81'Q DATA 6 @82'R DATA 6 @83'S DATA 6 @84'T DATA 6 @85'U DATA 6 @86'V DATA 6 @87'W DATA 6 @88'X DATA 6 @89'Y DATA 6 @90'Z DATA 6 @91'[ DATA 5 @92'\ DATA 6 @93'] DATA 5 @94'^ DATA 6 @95'_ DATA 7 @96'` DATA 3 @97'a DATA 6 @98'b DATA 6 @99'c DATA 6 @100'd DATA 6 @101'e DATA 6 @102'f DATA 6 @103'g DATA 6 @104'h DATA 6 @105'i DATA 4 @106'j DATA 6 @107'k DATA 6 @108'l DATA 6 @109'm DATA 6 @110'n DATA 6 @111'o DATA 6 @112'p DATA 6 @113'q DATA 6 @114'r DATA 6 @115's DATA 6 @116't DATA 6 @117'u DATA 6 @118'v DATA 6 @119'w DATA 6 @120'x DATA 6 @121'y DATA 6 @122'z DATA 6 @123'{ DATA 5 @124'| DATA 5 @125'} DATA 5 @126'~ DATA 6 @127' DATA 6 END
I'm making sure that I made things right.
EDIT: Here's the key for GTEXT:
It uses my font and FONTDLL width data (WIP) and also shows all chars + has a failsafe that can display, if GTEXT_ErrDisp is set to 1.
Though it will write to GTEXT_ERR$ if an error occured regardless of GTEXT_ErrDisp.
EDIT 2: url and icode cannot be combined...
Wow, that's really nice!Thx ^•^
[poll=p603][/poll]All righty... I'll use GPUTCHR with the 8x8 font for the main loop. (The "slow performance" option has lower priority if another option has the same # of votes) (The browser and manual keep their GPRINT and GPRINT_NEW usage. Only the UI's main loop will be affected by poll.)
I said almost...EVERYONE voted for the mysterious one,No I didn't