Delay in sprite clearing
If you're using VSYNC in main loop of your program, your code will execute at about 60 fps. (Or 30 fps for VSYNC 2, etc.)
With this, you can create an accurate timer for your dead enemy sprite.
VAR DEATH_TIME=-1'set to -1 when sprite is not dead WHILE 1'main loop ...'the rest of your game's code PLAYER_ATTACK'in here, when the player strikes an enemy, it's death_time is set to 0 to signify that it's counter should start KILL_ENEMY'delayed enemy death VSYNC WEND DEF KILL_ENEMY IF DEATH_TIME!=-1 THEN INC DEATH_TIME ENDIF'increment the death timer when it is not -1 IF DEATH_TIME>=60*2 THEN SPCLR ...'clear the sprite ENDWe do 60*2 because the code executes at 60 fps and we wish to wait 2 seconds, or 120 frames, before SPCLRing.
For sprite functions, this is usually what I do. It’s handy if you have a particular death animation or action the enemy does when it dies.
'set sprite N SPVAR N,0,10 'enemy hp SPVAR N,1,120 'this will be our death timer SPFUNC N,”DOSTUFF” 'the enemy sprite function LOOP PLAYERCODE CALL SPRITE VSYNC ENDLOOP DEF DOSTUFF VAR I=CALLIDX() VAR HP=SPVAR(I,0) 'enemy movement, etc IF HP<=0 THEN ' you’ll have to determine when target HP decreases then store that value as SPVAR N,0,HP SPANIM I,...'death animation SPFUNC I,”DIE” ENDIF END DEF DIE VAR I=CALLIDX() VAR T=SPVAR(I,1) 'timer DEC T SPVAR I,1,T IF T<=0 THEN SPCLR I END