Why was the key removed?
Dark Loop
Root / Submissions / [.]
Dark Loop is a text adventure in the first person. A throwback to a simpler time of gaming as well as "Choose Your Own Adventure" novels.
There are 16 choices for you to make in this 15-20 minute text adventure. 2 "victory" endings along with 8 unique game over descriptions. And this is just the alpha.
But how do I expect you to re-read the same adventure a month down the road when the beta comes out? I don't. I am going to create an entirely separate path through the adventure so that you do not have to repeat all that much! I aim to double the ammount of choices and ending in the beta release, hopefully adding another 15 minutes of gameplay for you. Plus all new title screen graphics along with sound effects and music for all "pages" of the "book".
The final release will see the ending of the novel be completely reworked to give the readers a M Night Shamalamadingdong style twist, and a fully polished and timed script, graphics and sound cues.
And that's not all!
During the alpha and beta, I will be collecting all the names of people who give me an opinion on this text adventure. Whether it be from the code to the story, positive or negative, just keep it classy. All the names will be added to the credits of this game as Play Testers. If you play both the alpha and the beta you will be put into the credits twice, once in each section.
If you wish for your name to not appear or a different name to be used in this game please just say so in the comments.
Smileboom removed it again. I'm thinking it's the descriptive violence.
can you post the code somewhere?
Maybe use petit modem to transfer it