Might make SBS readonly: thread

Contest: October 2019

Root / General / [.]

Its pac man
I don't get it.

Its pac man
I don't get it.
He's (at least I assume he's male) making Pac-man. Also, yes, I am participating.

Its pac man
I don't get it.
He's (at least I assume he's male) making Pac-man. Also, yes, I am participating.
A: You got one thing right B: No, I am not making pac man. I was just guessing the name of the ghostbuster. Terrible jokes are my thing.

Well I don't know what i'll name him so... [poll=p628][/poll]

Also... [poll=p629][/poll] Don't ask.

Ghostbusters is a cool idea.

Yea, im sorry for making this thread off task and (BASICALLY) advertising my game. Also my comment on the sprites being copies of pokemon sprites is false. I overhauled it and made these new sprites. (By the way in a day.) The game is now going to be a touch screen redical type game. But because of this, expect it to take longer (like i said, no promises).

So uh imma be making an SBS RPG. I shall soon send out a group pm to everyone I plan on adding to the demo. The demo, which will be submitted in the contest is a side story and I do not plan on including it as a chapter in the final game. Current schedule: SBS RPG demo > unrelated RPG demo > unrelated RPG > SBS RPG > SB4 ports of both mentioned RPGs > Finally work on Ralsei's Alchemy again

So uh imma be making an SBS RPG. I shall soon send out a group pm to everyone I plan on adding to the demo. The demo, which will be submitted in the contest is a side story and I do not plan on including it as a chapter in the final game. Current schedule: SBS RPG demo > unrelated RPG demo > unrelated RPG > SBS RPG > SB4 ports of both mentioned RPGs > Finally work on Ralsei's Alchemy again
Well that's a lot of RPGs. Hopefully you put an equal amount of heart and soul into all of them, so there all good games. Have fun!spelld rong on perpis

So uh imma be making an SBS RPG. I shall soon send out a group pm to everyone I plan on adding to the demo. The demo, which will be submitted in the contest is a side story and I do not plan on including it as a chapter in the final game. Current schedule: SBS RPG demo > unrelated RPG demo > unrelated RPG > SBS RPG > SB4 ports of both mentioned RPGs > Finally work on Ralsei's Alchemy again
Well that's a lot of RPGs. Hopefully you put an equal amount of heart and soul into all of them, so there all good games. Have fun!
Sorry but I doubt it

I have started making mysterious music for my submittion. Thus far, I have a title muusic and a main muusic for the game.

I'm thinking of making either: - A Super Bearland-esque game but with puzzles - A spooky text adventure with a text adventure engine I'm making (details on it soon but it allows recursion like being inside a box that's "inside" you) inspired by a game by a friend's collective (Paradise, Hundred Rabbits) - umm i dunno

Posted 52 seconds ago Edited 32 seconds ago by banana lol Anyway that's cool

I'm planning on having paradoxes (recursive relationships between you and an object) to be part of the story like I dunno a part where you explore yourself to find your inner fears

I'm planning on having paradoxes (recursive relationships between you and an object) to be part of the story like I dunno a part where you explore yourself to find your inner fears
That there is really cool Don't plan too big, though; you only have 23 days to submit.

so uh The SBS RPG demo is now going to be chapter 1 and will be released after the unrelated RPG and I will be developing a DIFFERENT game for the contest. The new game is a platformer.


how did i not realize that before you said that

Where do we submit (sorry to lazy to read) and also is there a reward???

Where do we submit (sorry to lazy to read) and also is there a reward???
No rewards, submit as a post in this thread. I will try to keep track of submittions, so I could edit the first post and you could see all of the programs at once. Oh and yet again