Console Snake
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A simple Snake clone using console graphics.
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Just saying, did you get permission to post this on here? If you did, then well done. If not, then good luck.
He probably made it himself? It's not hard to make Snake; in fact it's a really good starter program.
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Just saying, did you get permission to post this on here? If you did, then well done. If not, then good luck.
It's so hard to believe that the uploader also made the program. That's totally not common practice, very unusual. /s
Yes, of course I made it. If it wasn't mine, I'd put it on the Games and Programs list. Them's the rules, after all. If you'll notice, I'm even crediting myself in the source comments.
(side note: do comments have BBCode yet?)
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Just saying, did you get permission to post this on here? If you did, then well done. If not, then good luck.
No, comments are still garbage. I'm working on notifications (well, I say I'm working on them, but really I'm playing with virtual cats).
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Just saying, did you get permission to post this on here? If you did, then well done. If not, then good luck.
hey, at least they work. better than garbage if you ask me
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Just saying, did you get permission to post this on here? If you did, then well done. If not, then good luck.
Pretty sure he didn't make this, unless his miiverse post was from him then. ya
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Just saying, did you get permission to post this on here? If you did, then well done. If not, then good luck.
I upload it, put my name in the source code, and make this comment. And he still doubts me because he assumed that wasn't my Miiverse account, which it was. How would you know what my Miiverse account is?
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Just saying, did you get permission to post this on here? If you did, then well done. If not, then good luck.
eh at least you apologized in chat
hopefully this is a one-time misunderstanding
Could u make the snake go slower plz
Try replacing "VSYNC" in line 30 with "VSYNC 10".
The larger number which follows VSYNC makes the snake go slower.
I believe there’s a speed variable, but I’m not sure. I remember editing the program and making it slower though, and I think I used something other than VSYNC.
EDIT: I just checked, and yes, there’s a speed variable. It can be found on line 20 (SPEED%). I set it to 10, but you can set it to anything.
Nice job making this game. The controls are clean and smooth and the source code is neat and clean. Great job ;)
I normally set it to 5, TBH. Hey, why not make a difficulty setting? Easy means speed is 5 and it takes 2 apples to grow; normal is its normal setting; hard is a lil' faster and you grow 1 extra space more each apple?