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ComboKey Prototype

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A prototype for an input method library for SmileBasic. I believe that with practice, this method could be much faster to use than the touch keyboard. Plans:
  • Add special characters and numbers
  • Map ZL and ZR to space and backspace
Long-Term Plans:
  • Create a game to practice using the input method with
  • Create a text editor that utilizes this input method



You can test the input method using "SIMPLEDEMO" Each key is mapped to a face button under a key group, with each group being accessible by pressing a button on the D-pad. Some keys in a group are only accessible when holding R. Holding L will switch to the special key block, which includes control keys, like space, backspace, and enter, and will include numbers and special characters. The second display will show all keys in the current group, and what button(s) they are available under.


UPDATE() will process the user's button presses and will return any key pressed by the user. It must be called each frame the input method is used. KEYDISP will display the members of the current key group. When called, KEYDISP will clear the second screen and write its output to the second display. It will then switch to the first display.

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