
Collision between two sprites

Root / Programming Questions / [.]

Get a key when you can :)
if there is a key next to the name, does that mean it has a key or that that key will be assigned to it if it is approved?
It means it has a key! The approval process is very fast.

I'm kind of considering making a version for each of these names with a slightly different appearance from the last

Get a key when you can :)
if there is a key next to the name, does that mean it has a key or that that key will be assigned to it if it is approved?
It means it has a key! The approval process is very fast.
:o the key didn't work when I checked it before! but alrighty then!

Alright, come one come all to grab your very own PILL MAN Deluxe!: DK3NYPGY Wait here's the sbapi: http://sbapi.me/get/DK3NYPGY/TPILLMAN/code

Wow! this game is so good that the ghosts don't even move and they can attack pill-man through the walls of the ghost house thing!


Wow! this game is so good that the ghosts don't even move and they can attack pill-man through the walls of the ghost house thing!
listen buddy did I say the game was done? I'm still working on it /s

Wow! this game is so good that the ghosts don't even move and they can attack pill-man through the walls of the ghost house thing!
listen buddy did I say the game was done? I'm still working on it /s
you never said the game wasn't done either also how the fuck is that sarcasm

Wow! this game is so good that the ghosts don't even move and they can attack pill-man through the walls of the ghost house thing!
listen buddy did I say the game was done? I'm still working on it /s
you never said the game wasn't done either also how the fuck is that sarcasm
I was being sarcastic because I know I didn't specify complete-ness and I've taken a break to relax a bit.