
Chat down for a bit while I fix some stuff

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

Due to an oversight on my part, the chat will be down for a bit while I fix it. I'm sorry, but a certain user is causing trouble and I need the server to respond immediately to bans. I'll bring it back up as soon as I can.

Due to an oversight on my part, the chat will be down for a bit while I fix it. I'm sorry, but a certain user is causing trouble and I need the server to respond immediately to bans. I'll bring it back up as soon as I can.
NOOOO THE CHAT! xD It's fine and take your time and I didn't mean to rhyme

the old kick/ban versus ban or irc days lol.. banned people stay in chat but can't talk or rejoin if I remember, thus the kick/ban or ban/kick etc.

guh random, can you PLEASE PLESE PLEASE PLWAW let me back. I spent all of my christmas money on proxies and this relationship is getting too expensive. Also, I gave you a comment on your Big The Cat picture on deviant art.

its a good comment

guh random, can you PLEASE PLESE PLEASE PLWAW let me back. I spent all of my christmas money on proxies and this relationship is getting too expensive.
It's your fault. If you really want to come back, why did you DOS the site in the first place?

guh random, can you PLEASE PLESE PLEASE PLWAW let me back. I spent all of my christmas money on proxies and this relationship is getting too expensive.
It's your fault. If you really want to come back, why did you DOS the site in the first place?
Multiple times. He didn't just DOS us once, he did it multiple times. He's made over 16 accounts now and as he said, used many proxies just to evade his various IP bans. He doesn't get it; he's delusional and I feel sorry for him.

i dont hate you guys, I still love ya, including you random. You guys just dont want me anymore

just please, I'll be god I promise

good* not god.

I'm not delusopnal either, just persistent

I'm not delusopnal either, just persistent
really persistent, I might stop in a few years, or when I run out of christmas money. But still, I want to se you gais again. Maybe on weekends?

I'm not delusopnal either, just persistent
really persistent, I might stop in a few years, or when I run out of christmas money. But still, I want to se you gais again. Maybe on weekends?
how about like, every thursday, if I'm not annoying

I'm not delusopnal either, just persistent
really persistent, I might stop in a few years, or when I run out of christmas money. But still, I want to se you gais again. Maybe on weekends?
how about like, every thursday, if I'm not annoying

OK chat is back online. I fixed some issues
  • Users who are permabanned can no longer continue talking in chat
  • Users who are banned in general will now be given the ban reason when it tells them "You're banned"
  • Fixed pm issue where users who weren't in chat would still appear active in a PM room
  • When you change your avatar, it also updates the user list avatar.
  • Banned users will show up as "inactive" for the duration of their ban.

OK chat is back online. I fixed some issues
  • Users who are permabanned can no longer continue talking in chat
  • Users who are banned in general will now be given the ban reason when it tells them "You're banned"
  • Fixed pm issue where users who weren't in chat would still appear active in a PM room
  • When you change your avatar, it also updates the user list avatar.
  • Banned users will show up as "inactive" for the duration of their ban.