Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post

Chat Alternative

Root / General / [.]

It won't update live, but I guess it can be used as a chat alternative while the live chat is down.

So uh, this might work.

/cgamestock ... It's just not the same... :( I hope chat is up soon

Woah I still have "RND PLS" up in another tab lol.. ... Speaking of Hydra_The_Programer/MEGAMON/someoneshouldmakealistofallhisnames, I wanted to make a PM room to test things without spamming the chat, so I did /pmcreate Hydra_The_Programer, since you need to have > 1 person I accidentally typed "persson" instead of "person" lol

The chat on the PTC Wikia is not disabled right? yeah....


Well, to users with a wikia account, go to http://petitcomputer.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Chat

chat-r.cf You can use that. It's shadows' chat thingy. Its pretty awesome.

Or you could just... use our backup... http://development.smilebasicsource.com/chat

Or you could just... use our backup... http://development.smilebasicsource.com/chat
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.