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Cave Island DX (ドウクツジマ) Translation Patch Discussion

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

I'm really excited to announce this! All week I've been working on a translation patch for the eShop version of Cave Island (which I've dubbed "Cave Island DX"), and the first beta's almost here! Notice how I mentioned a patch. You'll need the files from the eShop version of Cave Island, and the files will be patched. So, how did I finish this so fast? Well, thanks to the efforts of Lohad L. with his translation of the original Cave Island, combined with the fact that all strings of the game are now stored in a separate file, it was really easy to add the translations into the updated version of the game. Of course, I had to apply some patches to the main game to make it more compatible with the English font, among other things. Oh, by the way, all of the game's files are in the regular SmileBASIC format, so I guess the game is semi-open source? Here's what's done so far:
  • Most translations are complete, thanks to Lohad L.'s work.
  • The font is complete, apart from the fact that I need to add a custom logo back into the file (the logo of the game was stored in that file, but I had to remove it for copyright reasons)
  • The patcher program is complete.
  • Patches to the main game are complete.
Now, you may be wondering how to obtain the files from the game, if you have it. This may be sad news for some, but you will NEED homebrew to obtain them. The good news is it's relatively easy to do so. I will post instructions on how to obtain the files from your copy of the game when I release the first beta. It's also worth noting that you will need SBFM (another homebrew tool) to transfer the files into SmileBASIC, as they're in the SmileBASIC format (unless you're willing to modify them to be compatible with PetitModem somehow). I will be posting more information, as well as screenshots, later on. I hope you enjoy playing the patched version of the game as much as I enjoyed making it!

There is minor difference between E-shop version and SB(both JP and L translated) version. In SB version, the syringe loving nurse is cross-dressing dude (Jens in English, Jirou in Japanese). In e-shop version, She is just a syringe loving nurse whose hobby is black magic. About extra stuff added (collecting secret item) in game... When skeleton Johnny is revived with mushroom, he shows heart statue in his room. That statue has hint for first secret item: Heart Stone. Hint "it is hidden underwater. there are many fish." When you get back with heart stone, Johnny shows you more statues. more riddles, more hidden items... (I haven't found all the secrets yet.) Anyway, don't forget to translate those riddles too (it's not in L's translation).

I can't help but feel like I'm going to get a lot of hate for that change, lol. So I'll leave it to the polls! [poll=p718][/poll] ^ This poll is going to going to be misinterpreted later on I'll close the poll at 12:00 PM EST. So his name is Johnny! I used Google Translate for that one and it said "Joni," so I thought Johnny would be a better fit. Also, I hope you all don't mind, but I tried giving him a Brooklyn accent in his dialogue. Please help me to improve it because I think my interpretation of it sucks. I think I'll save the riddles for the next beta. There's a lot to translate under that MAP.

I'll be posting screenshots very soon! EDIT: Here they are! I had to remove the logo from the modified font for copyright reasons :/ Expect the patch to release later today tomorrow sometime soon! P.S. Those of you who saw my teaser in the Discord server may have noticed that the font had a shadow. Unfortunately, I had to remove this because I had to shorten the font width to 8 pixels (like the original Cave Island translation) instead of 9 due to it being too long for the bottom screen and the pause menu. When I did this, the font shadow got cut off between letters, making it look really weird. The patcher removes the font shadow initialization and all code related to it.

For those who've been wondering about this project, I completely forgot about it the last few weeks. I'm excited to announce Beta 1 will be releasing tomorrow! :) I just need to make a few last-minute changes and it'll be ready for release. UPDATE: Okay, I promise this is the last time I'll delay it, but I was busy today. The update will most likely release tomorrow. Screw the patcher program I was working on I'll just release the patch as a delta patch so know your command line and how to use xdelta3 I guess Tomorrow maybe, if not then Saturday