Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post

Cancelled Game

Root / Submissions / [.]

Version:Alpha V0.0.2Size:2MB
Game is gone for good.

>Please remember this is NOT the complete game. >In The Dark SB is cancelled How about making that more clear, rather than trying to create clickbait?

Replying to:12Me21
>Please remember this is NOT the complete game. >In The Dark SB is cancelled How about making that more clear, rather than trying to create clickbait?
If you already have the perlin noise code, I'd recommend that you keep using it I only used the diamond square algorithm because I was lazy, it's actually not very good.

Can you please stop causing hype and then just cancelling your project? It's really annoying and makes people expect this whenever you do a project. Think things through before starting your project and decide if there will be issues first.

Replying to:MasterR3C0RD
Can you please stop causing hype and then just cancelling your project? It's really annoying and makes people expect this whenever you do a project. Think things through before starting your project and decide if there will be issues first.
yewh thats true :[ the person who posted this is retarded and was hoping for horror