Might make SBS readonly: thread

Bug Reports [OLD]

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

You might be pressing enter twice on accident. I just tested it a few times and pressing enter doesn't double post for me. Maybe you're holding it down long enough to register multiple presses accidentally. Anyway, I'm sorry that I'm not fixing this one.

On the notifications, if you've watched a forum type (like Site Discussion, Bug Reports, etc.) then the title for the place that it came from will be the name of the first forum created on the list. So since I've watched Programming Questions, when a new forum is created the header for the notification is, for example, "text based rpg battle system". Not a website-breaking bug, but still.

I made it this way on purpose. Mmm I guess it would make more sense the other way, but it'll break my easy backend implementation lol. I'll look into it, idk.

Upvoting a program will display this, http://s8.postimg.org/492d8aj8z/Untit1.jpg but I'm pretty sure it's the + that should be grayed out and - clickable, not the other way around.

This wasn't my choice, but I think the idea is that you can now only "unvote" your upvote, if that makes sense.

Ooooh! That makes sense. I was confused by the fact that hitting + again decreases the number of votes, not realizing it's just unvoting.

Because you're able to remove your vote rather than just change it, I figured this was the only way that made sense. I know it's still confusing... I'll try to come up with something better.

The chat seems down. ._.

The chat seems down. ._.
Your local DNS is probably being lame. Or it's caching our old IP address. Try clearing cache, or changing your DNS to Google. If you can't, you might have to wait until your local DNS finally updates its records. The chat is definitely working. Edit: It could also be the cached chat javascript. IDK try clearing cache, then if it doesn't work look up how to change your DNS to use Google's public DNS. It's not that hard.

Wait for DNS to catch up, possibly try clearing cache.

I cleared cache and it seemed to work once... but now it won't work, no matter what browser I use.

Also, I seem unable to post on the forums.

Also, I seem unable to post on the forums.
Seems like you're posting just fine to me. If you mean posting threads, I think I just fixed that. I don't know what to say about chat. I'm sorry.

HI! I am getting a weird error when I try to go to the homepage. I don't really know what it means :P

I got that too earlier today, on mobile.

HI! I am getting a weird error when I try to go to the homepage. I don't really know what it means :P
Fixed (?)

Yep, it's fixed. Thanks :)

For whatever reason, the chat auto scrolls even when it's scrolled enough up.

For whatever reason, the chat auto scrolls even when it's scrolled enough up.
I can't replicate this. When does this happen?

For whatever reason, the chat auto scrolls even when it's scrolled enough up.
I can't replicate this. When does this happen?
Anytime when a new chat message is received.