Might make SBS readonly: thread

Bug Reports [OLD]

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

I dunno if this is a glitch but I can see some staff messages :p
That is intentional.
Oh ok

Okay, so I know I already reported this to Randomouscrap and Lumage in the chat, but I'm posting it here as I've found more details and so that people don't report it again.
Priority: Low Browser: Microsoft Edge 2x OS: Windows 10 (before and after November Update) Device: Hewlett-Packard Stream 7 (Intel Atom processor, 32GB storage, 1GB RAM) Description: If you're on a low RAM device on Windows 10 (using MS Edge) and you attempt to multitask with tabs, you will be disconnected with the console error "The connection was rejected or terminated by the server". Cause: (constructive criticism) Poor site scripting, slow host performance, poor MSHTML memory usage.

It's still a browser/device problem, not a site bug though?

If you're on a low RAM device on Windows 10 (using MS Edge) and you attempt to multitask with tabs, you will be disconnected
OK this isn't something I can fix. It's either "make everyone wait on bad connections, stopping the server entirely just to fix a crappy new browser", or leave it like it is. Even mobile browsers are able to keep the connection alive... mobile Chrome and Firefox do just fine.

After deleting some threads

After deleting some threads

Priority: Up to you to decide Browser: Google Chrome, Version 46.0.2490.80 (64-bit) OS: Ubuntu 14.04 Device: HP Envy (can give specs if wanted) Description: When I click the 'Edit' button under a post I have made, the textbox that appears just has the word "undefined" in it. When I click the 'Quote' button, the textbox gets
Cause: undefined :)

Clear cache.

Clear cache.
That worked; thanks.

Clear cache.
That worked; thanks.
In order to know when you need to clear cache, you may want to follow the Site Updates thread. It usually indicates which things will be broken without a cache clear.

Your WHOLE device? Uhh that sounds more like a kitkat issue than a website issue. We shouldn't have any control over your device lol.

Hey random the sites seems to freeze on me sometimes on chat, my os is still running just the site seems to freeze for a bit

@PixelStudio I still think it's your device; we don't have control over the lower levels of website rendering, so we couldn't really "freeze" it. Maybe if it was styled with javascript it might cause freezes on loading or resizing, but other than that, we can't really create something that "freezes" the browser unless the browser has a faulty implementation.

Ah alrighty

Comments on a program page seem to be all messed up on a desktop. IDK if it's supposed to be like this.

Comments on a program page seem to be all messed up on a desktop. IDK if it's supposed to be like this.
Comments are just messy right now. Sorry.

Good luck fixing all the bugs!

I have a bug to report. Sometimes when I post something on the forums, it makes a double post. Why does this happen? Can you fix this? Find out on the next episode of, Random Bug Fixing.

It's because you're clicking twice (or your mouse sucks). It's probably an accident. I don't have a good solution for this, and one doesn't exist. I either make people wait unnecessarily for a timeout (like nearly every website ever) or I perform hacks like disabling the button (doesn't work all the time, particularly for quick clicks like yours probably are) or doing something nasty in the backend like a token system (which again, won't work in many cases and is disgusting to both implement and use). I chose to have faster submission with some double posts.

I press enter only once though. Becuase I am too lazy to actually move my mouse to the dirty and unwashed Post button.