That is an authentic brainfuck(er)
Features added in v3.0
- New SmileBASIC 4 icon.
- Several aspects of the compiler and the compiled programs it generates have been given much-needed optimizations.
- The failsafe script for the options is now much cleaner.
- Added syntax error detection for brainfuck code, which eliminates most (if not all) chances of getting a syntax error from the compiled program.
- Added failsafes during the scanning and optimization processes, which prevent errors and unexpected behavior from occurring.
- Added more optimizations for brainf**k code.
- Fixed XSCREEN option parameters.
- Added SBPERF option, which measures how many microseconds elapse during the runtime of a compiled program. Cannot be enabled while SBMEMDUMP and SBWAIT are enabled, or a failsafe
- prompt will prevent the compiler from running.
- SBCOMMENT, SBINDENT, and SBNEWLINES have been merged into one command--SBBEAUTIFY.
- Added SBTAB option, which prints four spaces instead of HT characters.
- SBCHR13 has been renamed to SBNEWLINE and has been given an additional, optional function, printing LF characters instead of CR characters for Macintosh newlines.
- Added SBMEMDUMP option. When a "#" is encountered in the brainfuck code or the end of the compiled program is reached, the current memory will be saved to a DAT file.
- Added SBOUTPUT option. When the end of the compiled program is reached, the output will be saved to a TXT file.
- Included more example programs.