Might make SBS readonly: thread

BF to SB converter

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

Hey, would you mind checking out the Brainf*** to Smilebasic converter I uploaded? Here's the link: http://smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=1471 Thanks! Hope I'm not doing something wrong.

I'm no moderator here, but this kind of self-plug is normally seen wrong in forums, and I think this is no exception here. It's not like a big deal, but it still can be annoying sometimes.

Yeah. I mean, I typically check the new submissions every time I log on to this site. I think most people check it often. No real need to advertise your stuff in other places

Okay. Also there are like 4 different compilers for this, so this is kind of obsolete. But I had fun making it, so its whatever.