There are many ways you could do this. Likely the best way, as mentioned by Toad would be to use an array.
DIM TYPE DIM ATTACK[A,AM]Where TYPE is the type of enemy. When you get into a battle use RND, so if a 1 comes up, that's enemy type 1 and so on. Then ATTACK is 2-dimensional, where A is which attack is being used, and AM is the attack damage amount. This is just the beginning though and would not suffice as a very good system on it's own. Rather than just doing a random attack each time you could use a series of IF statements (in lue of a SWITCH CASE) to determine which attack should be used in certain scenarios. Something like: EHP = Enemy HP
IF EHP<20 THEN A = DEFENSEUP; ENDIFAlso, rather than using a set damage amount or even random, you can use some fairly simple formulas to determine the amount. You can also do something like: If to hit < Toughness/Deflection: Damage = Random(Weapon's min damage, weapons, max damage) - opponent's armor value Else: Damage = Random(Weapon's min damage, weapon's max damage) However, you should start simple, and then decide if you want to implement more complicated formulas. Once you start basing damage calculations on character levels it gets a bit complicated. You can start with a fixed damage system, where damage varies only by weapon. (The damage still varies, it just doesn't matter who uses said weapon)