HI all! Yet another project I started working on... a battle engine!
Will support HP, ATTACK, DEFENSE, SPEED, and LUCK (yeah!)
Also includes type advantages, which will be highly customizable. You can make up your own types and how strong they are (or weak :])
Player data [HP, ATK, DEF, SPD, LUCK] will probably be eaten as an array, along with enemy data.
Special effects will be possible.
Still not sure whether I will make this a function or how i will call it.
If you have any suggestions or ideas, please, tell me ;)
Battle Engine Thing
Root / Talk About Programs / [.]
I figured out how I will make this work.
You feed the DEF, which will be a COMMON DEF, data on who is attacked, the move, and the character data. Character data will be stored in a 2 by 4 array, no speed - speed can be taken care of in-program if you want it, I figured this would be fine.
Items! You can use items. Just make a move titled itemname or something and give it the desired effect, like
DATA "POTION,1,0,50,1"and then figure it out in your program. I am also making a demo program with a crappy text-based battle to demonstrate how you might use it.