
Announcing SmileCraft

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well, if you look at page 2 of the help for bgmplay, it will give you a list of mml commands. then you put
bgmplay "mml commands"


I sense the irony

in it you put "@(gm instrument listed in smile that you want to use)" i used to be figuring it out, then in an example of the star spangled banner someone showed me, i saw the @ and wondered what it did. here's an example,
bgmplay"T300:0@(number, lets say 10)(the notes you want and stuff like that)

This project will probably never get uploaded, just like other MC Projects

-Are there any good MML tutorials?
It might just be easier to use Litterbox MML Tracker. instead of learning MML. Also, if you are making this project for yourself, then carry on. If you plan on uploading, you may want to reconsider.

ima just make a mml tutorial.

i have the mml tutorial, gotta go to school now. bye.

Oh hey another minecraft SB project Can we watch this one burn too? ed: you're starting in all the wrong places, and just flipped out ambitious idea after ambitious idea. if you can do it, gr8 m8. but you'll probably give up somewhere after the main menu.
Okay, I don't mean to be rude but I think its great that new people have good ideas better than "Paper airplane simulator". If you don't want to contribute then fine, but please leave. Also don't come here like you did on SmileBasic begging fr apologies. This chat is for people prepared to be productive, and you clearly don't fit in that category. Once again, this message isn't meant to be rude. I just want to clarify that I don't appreciate the attitude you're bringing.
Hey, at least Paper airplane simulator was an original idea. All you did when thinking of a game was just think about minecraft, then boom, you got your idea, which isn't an original idea.
well, i like this idea. i havent seen any minecraft games except ones were you can see 5 blocks and when you move it becomes 0 blocks. this might actually work, and i would like to see someone try to make something as big as this.

Disregarding the...other discussion going on here, might I ask as to how you're going to render the 3D graphics?

resource pages are underused

Could everyone just let these people talk about their project without constantly attacking them?

Could everyone just let these people talk about their project without constantly attacking them?
Thanks you for flat-out saying it. I don't understand why they are being hateful, especially when they were begging in the past for a Minecraft 3ds and were loving the block game that was made.
yeah, and deleting most of the rude posts. i wouldnt want to look through here to see whats happening and see all the swears and people thinking" oh hey, their making minecraft! they're gunna fail just because its minecraft and im a butt!" i would hate seeing that. thanks, 12me21!

also, i dont know that we should use the thread too much, probably for updates on how its going and for people who want to join. so people dont mock is for finding a hard point, we should use massegeing so people dont mock us. but this can be for updates. btw, i can probably try a title screen for the game.

Yeah, I agree. Their arguments are based on personal experiences and not on facts, thus there claim that this is not going to work is completely baseless. I appreciate that they left this thread but I honestly think that they just need to stop and think about their actions. All they are doing is discouraging people from making programs.
I was just trying to discourage you from making a minecraft clone and just make something original. It may not have come off that way, but i meant it that way.

This is an ambitious project but it could probably work if you keep world size to a reasonable level. Like say 16x16x8 or something less.

Why were Yacker's posts here deleted? concerned patron

One of the sentences of my last post may have given off the wrong idea. At any rate, I look forward to seeing your implementation, 3D graphics are difficult to pull off in this environment, especially with any sort of speed. I'd imagine render distance would have to be quite low.

I'm pretty sure I didn't delete any of Yacker's posts. EDIT: Oh it was Chemicalex. The only ones I removed were the people saying saying that this idea sucked, and anything that was a direct response to a deleted post and wouldn't make sense out of context. Oh great, now this is just turning into a discussion of which posts were deleted and why...

Yacker's post was deleted because of random_guy's response. It was not intentional; he may re-post if he wants to.
For crying out loud, one even said that it was getting out of hand but didn't bother to delete any posts until several hours later.
As for this, my comment was to voice exactly what it said. It is not our initiative to take action on the situation as soon as it arises; we may wait and see if the users can settle the dispute themselves.