Might make SBS readonly: thread

AI that Learns!!!

Root / Submissions / [.]

This is an AI/Chatbot That Learns! At 42 lines long, it is shorter, AND smarter than 12me21's! (with all due respect) note: this program can run in any folder, as it stores its knowledge in its own source code, by editing itself.


**Be sure to start the program from the file menu.** talk. Thats it! Enjoy!

Replying to:Dark62
Bonjour comment telecharger le programme ? Merci
The creator of this program has removed the key. We removed the key from this page and he will get a notification. Le créateur de ce programme a supprimé la clé. Nous avons supprimé la clé de cette page et il recevra une notification.

Replying to:Dark62
Bonjour comment telecharger le programme ? Merci
Mi dispiace, ho accidentalmente cancellato il programma. Inizierò facendo una nuova versione (forse più intelligenti).

It’s such a shame this was removed, this would’ve been so cool to see.

Replying to:BASICcoder
It’s such a shame this was removed, this would’ve been so cool to see.
The code is lost too😔