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Advanced Terrain Generation

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Hello everyone, for the past month or so I've been working on advanced terrain generation on SB. I have four different biomes as well as bodies of water and mountains. It also features tree spawning and other miscellaneous things such as tall patches of grass and flowers. I also made the it "smooth" out the mountains and bodies of water. Sorry for the terrible quality but here's a picture of a portion of a randomly generated world. http://i.imgur.com/a9wIZbL.png

I would like to see some more screenshots

I would like to see some more screenshots
This is the only picture I have currently. I'll upload some more later.

Here's some more screenshots. The red border around the mountains is temporary and not final. Also the trees overwriting other trees is not a problem with the world generation itself, it's just a problem with how I draw them. The world generation is complete, but I might add some more things. http://m.imgur.com/15KfTnl,XT6dBe8,nOW5ude,jrNn2Jk,cO5UFJy,5Ekwq1s,jhAYR00,7mmX5Vx,iFFAusJ,KfNWET3

Do you move around in them??

What kind of algorithms are you using?

What kind of algorithms are you using?
[Edit: Not the developer] Modified value noise. Tiling and biome placement, if I were to guess, are from mapping that, the objects are possibly randomly placed, though context-sensitive.

This could be cool. If the game has some sort of way to remember chunks when theyre created. Im thinking this could be used for some sort of infinity monster hunt game.

What kind of algorithms are you using?
I'm using a modified form of Perlin Noise. There's a lot more though.

What kind of algorithms are you using?
[Edit: Not the developer] Modified value noise. Tiling and biome placement, if I were to guess, are from mapping that, the objects are possibly randomly placed, though context-sensitive.
You're correct. Currently the objects are randomly placed, but I'm thinking about using Perlin Noise to generate them.

This could be cool. If the game has some sort of way to remember chunks when theyre created. Im thinking this could be used for some sort of infinity monster hunt game.
Actually, the map is generated as an array and then later drawn. You could save the array as a day file so it could "remember the chunks".