How would I add a string in the middle of my string array?
Adding elements to a middle of an array
Here's the function I use:
DEF INSERT ARRAY[],POS%,VALUE UNSHIFT ARRAY,VALUE 'This is just to make the array longer. I use VALUE since it will be the same variable type as the array. COPY ARRAY,ARRAY,1,POS% 'Moves all the elements before POS% 1 space to the left. ARRAY[POS%]=VALUE 'Add the new value. END
Thanks very much! Is there a function to remove an element from the middle of an array? I tried making my own version using SHIFT but did not turn out so well.
Thanks very much! Is there a function to remove an element from the middle of an array? I tried making my own version using SHIFT but did not turn out so well.
DEF REMOVE ARRAY[],POS% COPY ARRAY,POS%,ARRAY,POS%+1,LEN(ARRAY)-(POS%+1) 'move all elements after POS% 1 space left. EAT POP(ARRAY) 'remove the last element. ENDYou'll need an EAT function, like
DEF EAT SAND ENDIt might be slightly faster to do:
DEF REMOVE ARRAY[],POS% COPY ARRAY,POS%,ARRAY,POS%+1,LEN(ARRAY)-(POS%+1) 'move all elements after POS% 1 space left. IF POP(ARRAY) THEN:ENDIF'remove the last element. END