Each time GOSUB runs, it adds 1 item to the stack, which keeps track of which spot in the program the GOSUB was called from.
RETURN removes 1 item from the stack, and jumps to that location in the program.
(Other things use the stack as well, but I'm pretty sure GOSUB is the problem here)
If you use GOSUB too many times without RETURNing, the stack will fill up and you'll get a stack overflow error.
If the stack is almost full, other actions can cause a stack overflow too, like calling functions or creating arrays.
A major problem.
No matter what I try
@MainLoop Vsync 1 bgclr cls Gosub @Player Gosub @Move Gosub @bg Gosub @BgCheck etc...and after a little while it will say "Stack Over Flow On line Whatever" Every stack overflow happens on my lines that have things to do with Gcirlcle Gcolor or bgfill, Bgcolor, Or anything like that. I've tried bgclr and everything nothing is working and I don't know why. I have used simiilar Mainloops in other games with no problem.
Each time GOSUB runs, it adds 1 item to the stack, which keeps track of which spot in the program the GOSUB was called from. RETURN removes 1 item from the stack, and jumps to that location in the program. If you use GOSUB too many times without RETURNing, the stack will fill up and you'll get a stack overflow error.I have it set to where it goes to a loop
@A1 Gosub @Mainloop Goto @A1It returns there from the mainloop everywhere I have set to Gosub, I have it set to return and for some reason it still stack overflows... :(
it tells it if it's in a certain place to go to a border liike this
if p==1 the gosub @Border1 Gosub @border2 @border1 for I=1 to 23 if rnd(99)==1 then wbg=wbg+.1 if wbg>149.9 then wbg=147 bgfill 1,18,1,7,5,wbg bgput 1,I,0,102 next returnThats one of the ones that causes an overflow then another one is
@Bgg Bgfill 0,1,1,23,13,bg returnand then randomly it will do it because of bgcircle.
It sounds like you have a case of Spaghetti code. This sort of thing is why I suggest using functions and while/repeat loops over gosub and goto. Goto generates this sort of problem rather easily. You are calling gosub without returning and eventually you run out of stack space. It runs ok for a little while then fails randomly right?
For example in your previous post you have code that jumps to @border1 if p equals 1, but after that it will continue on and run through @border2, and finally run through @border1 again since nothing ever sent it back home. Is that really what you want it to do?
If you want to post a key maybe I can try rewriting it to get rid of some of the bugs (although if I did it, my modified version would be full of functions and loops not goto/gosub).