

Root / Submissions / [.]

A crappy mixture of stuff to make a bootleg PetitWorld. It uses the console as its main display. Falling is slow because it has to render (cls then print) every step down.


V2 (current) -New (better) textures -Survival inventory -Saving -Multitool that gets upgrades so you don't do everything so fast -Doors and door openers -Ladders -Incredibly late V1 (old) -Launch stuff


Generate worlds using the LAME-TERRAIN program first. Launch PETITMINER to play your worlds. Select the world with D-Pad up and down, press A to start.


YOU MAY NOT MINE CERTAIN MATERIALS UNTIL YOU HAVE COLLECTED ENOUGH TO UPGRADE. Circle pad to move left and right. X to jump. Touch the left of the touch screen to choose a block. B to place the block or open the door. D-Pad to move the block placement marker. A to save and possibly exit.

Replying to:NecroStudios
This is a good attempt at recreating Petit World, but contolling was extremely hard, and controlls are weird. Good try.
At first, yes. But then I realized I could make yet another crappy text-based game.

Falling is slow because it has to render (cls then print) every step down.
Fall slowly? I fall at light speed!

You could use SCROLL to make movement faster.

Replying to:12Me21
You could use SCROLL to make movement faster.

Replying to:HTV04
Falling is slow because it has to render (cls then print) every step down.
Fall slowly? I fall at light speed!
Yeah me too. He probably has an old 3DS

Replying to:12Me21
You could use SCROLL to make movement faster.
V3 - Coming soon?????

Replying to:12Me21
You could use SCROLL to make movement faster.
That's not enough new content to change the key

Do you mind if i make a V3?

Replying to:IAmRalsei
Do you mind if i make a V3?
you can do whatever you want, toad

Replying to:IAmRalsei
Do you mind if i make a V3?
:) the main focus of the update will be it not going sonic-fast on new 3DS and i'm guessing Wii U, too (that's a bad thing, as you often overshoot where you wanna be)