

Root / Submissions / [.]

Version:1.0Size:2.8 MB
I came late to the OS meme party, but anyways. Midori-OS is a scalable mock-OS made with the idea of making app development more easy and accesible, instead of using the typical approach of editing the sourcecode directly. On Midori-OS, users can make apps that Midori imports automatically to the code, you don't have to touch the sourcecode! You can export and import apps as you please with no hassle. Making an app for a mock-OS has never been easier! Midori-OS (1.0.1) comes with the following:
  • Terminal. App with diverse functionality, but most importantly, create shortcuts.
  • File Explorer. App to rename and delete files from SmileBASIC.
  • Wire3D. A small 3D demo, showing an hypercube.
  • Input test. Another small demo, showing different functionalities of Midori API.
  • SPaint. A useless paint app with tools and colors
  • Help. An useful embed app that tells most details of Midori usage and app development.
  • DEMO1 (as external .pkg). Small app that shows communication capabilities between apps
  • DEMO2 (as external .pkg). Small app that abuses direct memory access to corrupt programs.
  • Spaceship (as external .pkg). Small minigame where you shoot aliens.
  • Calculator (as external .pkg). Simple Calculator.
  • Chip8 emulator (as external .pkg). A chip8 emulator with Tetris in it (by 12Me21).


Load "EXECUTE" file, and let it do some magic. All programs are acessible via Start Menu -> Programs.


  • L: Left-click.
  • R: Right-click.
  • A:Enter.
  • Y: Backspace.
  • Left-Stick /Touchscreen: Cursor movement.
  • R while hovering a box on taskbar: Close that window.
For app development, refer to the following pages: API reference: https://smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=1211 Making your first app: https://smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=1212


Why is "Midori" written in Katakana?
"Special Thanks"
  • 12Me21: For creating VARS_ARRAY() and CHIP8 demo.
"Changelog"0.0: Public testing 1.0: Initial Release 1.0.1:
  • Fixed a bug with the desktop icon save/load
  • Fixed some oddities with the window drawing coordinates.
  • Fixed some stuff with PKG Loader, now it should load more fast.

New version: 1.0.1. Fixed a bug, some glitches and added more commands!

Nope, I think Windows 3DS is the true winner behind this. Lol, jrk cy64 is making a browser for it EDIT: or I think there are mostly the same EDIT 2: I maybe try it again

Replying to:the_squat1115
Nope, I think Windows 3DS is the true winner behind this. Lol, jrk cy64 is making a browser for it EDIT: or I think there are mostly the same EDIT 2: I maybe try it again
I use ミドリOS beta as the base and then I'm building up. Autz64 gave me permission to do it as I'm a loser in building the base my OS stands on. But I don't want to stand as a competition (kind of) because Windows 3DS (Windows6Mix) may/will not have that other OS's do.

Replying to:the_squat1115
Nope, I think Windows 3DS is the true winner behind this. Lol, jrk cy64 is making a browser for it EDIT: or I think there are mostly the same EDIT 2: I maybe try it again
Windows 3DS is almost the worst. It has unnecessary features and really does nothing. I love the design and stuff, but it isn't really worth using to me

This OS is really nice. I love the sprites and design choices. Reminds me of older Windows operating systems, though I guess that is the point. I also love how high quality the backgrounds are

How did you get such realistic backgrounds? Did you petit-modem them over?

Replying to:rando
How did you get such realistic backgrounds? Did you petit-modem them over?
There are a lot of ways to do it. You need to reduce the image size to the 3DS screen (400x240). He put 2 images on 1 GRP to save space I guess. There are 2+ ways to get it afaik. 1. Using PetitModem 2. Using IMG2GRP and FBI/SBFM (requires CFW)

Replying to:rando
How did you get such realistic backgrounds? Did you petit-modem them over?

Replying to:rando
How did you get such realistic backgrounds? Did you petit-modem them over?
As CyberYoshi64 replied: 2. Using IMG2GRP and FBI/SBFM (requires CFW)

Replying to:rando
How did you get such realistic backgrounds? Did you petit-modem them over?

I cannot wait for the text editor to work! Because then you could actually make apps inside of Midori-OS!

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
I cannot wait for the text editor to work! Because then you could actually make apps inside of Midori-OS!
But you can make apps directly from SmileBASIC's code editor.

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
I cannot wait for the text editor to work! Because then you could actually make apps inside of Midori-OS!
Convenience man, convenience.

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
I cannot wait for the text editor to work! Because then you could actually make apps inside of Midori-OS!
I like convenience too, but I still use the code editor anyway.

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
I cannot wait for the text editor to work! Because then you could actually make apps inside of Midori-OS!
good point.

Someone (maybe me) should make a SmileBASIC emu for this. (easy stuff just edit the terminal/command thing probably)