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Googling "smilebasic public keys" does not bring up SBsource

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I just found out that Googling "smilebasic public keys" doesn't bring up this site. I feel like a lot of people look for codes by just Googling that, and it would be great if we were one of the first results. I don't know if there's anything that can be done, but if there is I think that would be a good idea.

Yeah let me just call up Google and tell them we're the most relevant. Lol I wish it were that easy. We have to become the most relevant search result, which depends on a number of factors. Since we don't have the power of a bigger website behind us (like reddit, wikia, etc.), it's going to be very hard to get noticed. If we get a LOT of content that's all about SmileBASIC and people start searching for us a lot, we'll go up in rankings. We used to be on the 4th page when searching for "smilebasic", but now we're at least on the first page (for me, anyway). We'll get there, don't worry.

Okay, cool, I was just wondering of there was any way we could add search tags to the website, or just put something like "The place to share SmileBASIC public keys!" on the home page that would make it more relevant. Obviously you guys know more about this stuff than I do, I was just curious!

There's a few things we can do, but ultimately Google cares most about the content. Maybe if we worded stuff differently here and there, it might help. But we need lots of pages that gets lots of clicks that have these keywords on it, and that'll only happen when we're "popular". IDK we'll work on it.

Have you included <meta> tags in the website markup? I don't even know if search engines look at those anymore but they might help.

We do, but Google knows you can just put whatever in there and it can't be used to pick the "best" site.

This thread is the last thing on the first page of results!

Hah! :) You saying it isn't showing up is showing up now :D Nice.

When I Google 'smilebasic' it is the 4th post. But it should obviously be 1st or 2nd ^^

What if we had a special program posting section? Right now it's pretty hard to find a good list of programs.

What if we had a special program posting section? Right now it's pretty hard to find a good list of programs.
There's this list: http://www.smilebasicsource.com/search?category=Programs&page=1&order=newest But you mean a forum section for releases? I would like to see a list of all 166 games for the japanese smilebasic competition :)

Actually, the programs list on here is exactly what I was looking for, but maybe with categories and a featured program page or something. Kinda like an appstore.

Wouldn't it be as easy as adding the text "smilebasic public keys" to this page somewhere? http://smilebasicsource.com/search?category=Programs It's pretty easy in my experience to get something showing up on google if you include the right keywords.

google gives smilebasicsource as fourth result from searching "smilebasic"

I think I have a very ghetto solution to this problem actually
Please actually don't do this though
google gives smilebasicsource as fourth result from searching "smilebasic"

Heh sorry