
Give me a small coding challenge.

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Recently, I've been getting back into SmileBASIC, and after playing around with some other programmimg languages, I want to see what I can do in SmileBASIC in order to refresh my memory with it. Try giving me a small coding challenge (but not too challenging, please) and I'll try to see if I can do it. P.S. By small I mean around one or two screens of code, I don't want anything too large, just challenges to refresh my memory.

create a program in 20 characters that's a challenge Try the no S challenge in an OSP 'cause why not

create a program in 20 characters that's a challenge Try the no S challenge in an OSP 'cause why not
I'll take your crossed out challenge instead because OSPs (I see what you did there) are pretty hard to make, and combining it with the no "s" challenge just makes things harder.

create a program in 20 characters that's a challenge Try the no S challenge in an OSP 'cause why not
I'll take your crossed out challenge instead because OSPs (I see what you did there) are pretty hard to make, and combining it with the no "s" challenge just makes things harder.
Here it is:
WHILE 1?"* *";:WEND
This program is 19 characters long, 20 including the blue arrow. It makes a pattern on the screen.

?"* *";:EXEC.

How about make a the best game in 20 characters

?”\ ‾x_”;:EXEC. Significantly cooler pattern, slightly longer tho.

How about a fractal, small code, interesting result. I suggest the Sierpinski Carpet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpinski_carpet

How about make a the best game in 20 characters
Press start to stop the timer when the last two digits are the same. Try to have as close to 1 lines ending in that digit pair onscreen as possible. 4 levels of difficulty.
easy mode
normal mode
lunatic mode
baby mode