Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post

Contest suggestions

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oh i never knew this existed lol, what ive always though would be cool is to have a to have a contest tournament, say you have 2 weeks to make a game then after that time whoever entered and got atleast past middle place would continue to the next level either continuing his or hers game or making a new one until two remain, they would then have voting over the two after a final say 3 days of improving. between rounds depending on how many people enter the time given to update and continue their game would go down, (say after two week, next would be one week then 3 days or more idk) but ive always though some sort of contest tournament would be cool to see unfold

If it is at all feasible, I kinda like the idea of a competition to create libraries or any other tools to help widen available resources. I think there's enough skill and potential bouncing about the forums to encourage growth in a way that could allow a lot of us less-technical code junkies to focus more on creativity, increasing both the quality and quantity of programs. Come to think of it, I'd relish the chance at trying out a few competing game engines, imaging software, etc. My kingdom for anyone who can provide me with a way of screenshotting SB!