
Spring Programming Contest 2017

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Congrats to Nathanial and GoodGameGod! I didn't want to beg for attention... but I am eager and willing to hear, good or bad, some kind of feedback for ASTEROGUE. As I am not certain if I should try to polish and finish it, or if I should just leave it as is. (Although I did upgrade my badge from Beginner to Intermediate, on the recommendation of a friend, I'm not certain now that I earned that yet.)

Congrats to the winners! Really good stuff, and I hope the issue with Thrust's key gets sorted out!

Congrats to the winners! Really good stuff, and I hope the issue with Thrust's key gets sorted out!
I just fixed it!

I am eager and willing to hear, good or bad, some kind of feedback for ASTEROGUE. As I am not certain if I should try to polish and finish it, or if I should just leave it as is.
I think my number one complaint about this game was the controls, which I thought were finicky. Even when I finally began to understand why the movement was inconsistent, it was a challenge that I felt I had to continuously work around. That being said, I enjoyed every other aspect of the game: the way it looks, the variety of bad guys, etc. You did good work to get this much done.

Congrats to the winners! Really good stuff, and I hope the issue with Thrust's key gets sorted out!
I just fixed it!

I think my number one complaint about this game was the controls, which I thought were finicky. Even when I finally began to understand why the movement was inconsistent, it was a challenge that I felt I had to continuously work around. That being said, I enjoyed every other aspect of the game: the way it looks, the variety of bad guys, etc. You did good work to get this much done.
Yeah, my approach to movement has problems, but It was the only way I could figure out how to do it. I poured a lot of details into everything else that I could do to make it less of a pain. In fact one version of the game, I attempted to have 7 different UFO's (all copies of UFO1) on the grid at the same time... but when I noticed the significant input lag, I reduced the max number to 4. If you look in the source code, there are notes for creating a homing missile attach from the mother-ship(UFO4), as well as a section all commented out for where the death beam would fill the direction of the screen. I ran out of time, but I needed the mother ship to fire something, anything, So I just copied UFO5 (the Ballon) lazer and made it blink.

Ever since Nathaniel showed up, it has become much more difficult for anyone else to win the contest Because his games are amazing Also, sorry again for cancelling my entry. My game consisted of an open world where you control an airship and do all sorts of things from collecting puzzle pieces to crashing planes into towers. The game was already flickering a lot on o3ds, but it was once I spawned a third tower that even the n3ds wasn't able to process all the sprites. 12Me gave me advice for optimization, and now I also have Nathaniel's code to look at, so for the following months I'll be studying on how to not make my games flicker all the time >:( I didn't vote, btw. Was too busy with school.

Ever since Nathaniel showed up, it has become much more difficult for anyone else to win the contest Because his games are amazing
That's not his fault...And that's a good thing lmao.