I tried it for a bit and I have died in both the first and second rooms already... It looks pretty good, but it's hard! I have a couple questions/suggestions:
When I game over, I can't seem to leave the game over screen in any way? I just have to reset and start over. Would it be at least possible to get back to the main menu somehow?
I like the combat system, it looks like it could be pretty fun to play, but it's really hard to tell when I can attack right now. Maybe I'm just bad at it still. Sometimes I press the attack button and nothing seems to happen - is this a bug, or is there a cooldown or something? This is for A attacks, so it's not running out of TP I don't think. If it is a cooldown, is there/could there be some visual indicator of when I can use certain moves again?
Also, it appears there is a way to save, since there's a continue option, but I haven't seen it yet. Is the "SYS" menu supposed to be used for that and I haven't unlocked it yet or something? So far I couldn't save, but I've also got almost nowhere so that might be why.
Root / Submissions / [.]
This is a RPG made using an external Map Maker Tool. Since SB4 does not come with a native map tool, i rarely see RPG's like this anymore. Thanks to the help of the geniuses In the SmileBASIC Discord, this demo was made possible. Please enjoy and let me know if and how you liked it.
Replying to:
I tried it for a bit and I have died in both the first and second rooms already... It looks pretty good, but it's hard! I have a couple questions/suggestions:
When I game over, I can't seem to leave the game over screen in any way? I just have to reset and start over. Would it be at least possible to get back to the main menu somehow?
I like the combat system, it looks like it could be pretty fun to play, but it's really hard to tell when I can attack right now. Maybe I'm just bad at it still. Sometimes I press the attack button and nothing seems to happen - is this a bug, or is there a cooldown or something? This is for A attacks, so it's not running out of TP I don't think. If it is a cooldown, is there/could there be some visual indicator of when I can use certain moves again?
Also, it appears there is a way to save, since there's a continue option, but I haven't seen it yet. Is the "SYS" menu supposed to be used for that and I haven't unlocked it yet or something? So far I couldn't save, but I've also got almost nowhere so that might be why.
Hello. First i would like to thank you for taking the time to check out my project, and leave feedback. I really appreciate it.
The demo room was designed to be somewhat difficult. I really like the idea of replenishing HP and TP upon leveling up, however i purposely didn't add that so as to make it more difficult for the demos sake.
It seems as since i am the Dev, i know the ins and outs as well as the attack patterns ect. As a result i miss Judge the difficulty so thats my bad!!
As for the game over screen, i have plans to add restarting (or loading save) as a feature in the next update. This will hopefully affect The Continue Button as well.
There is a Cooldown for the basic A attacks, designed so as to prevent spam, and add strategy to combos that will get more complex as the game progresses and you gain more Special "X" moves.
Adding a Visual Indicator is a good idea for this cooldown. I will consider ways this can be done.
The Menu screen Thus far is still being Constructed, with minimal features At the moment. However these will be added over time and the SYS Menu will soon be used as On the fly saving and option changes.
Again, thank you for checking this out, and for the feedback. Look forward to an update making the battle system more balanced!
Until then however, Just know that its more than possible to beat the demo as is! Just take note of the predictable attack patters and block as many attacks as possible.