why I haven't been active
If anyone wants to help out, gf.me/u/xkd6nc
If anyone wants to help out, https://www.gofundme.com/f/man039s-awakening-vr-video-game?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1$700?! That price is kinda suprising. Will the people who donate at least get names in the credits or something?
I might change that around
what I REALLY want to get is some haptic gloves, but that's, idk 5000 dollars. Not that expensive. For bill gates, at least.
Try to spread the word if you can I really want to complete my goals
I think I'll try to get Oculus Rift because of the wireless ability
Is it possible to use the Rift's headset and the Valve Index controllers?
Please combine your posts instead of making a post every few minutes please, it's extremely annoying