Might make SBS readonly: thread

What are the supported BBCode tags?

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

BBCode is (or was) a commonly used way to style posts without letting people insert whatever HTML tag they wanted. They usually look the html tag they represent, except instead of using <> brackets, it uses []. For example, to make something bold in HTML, you'd do <b>this is bold</b>. In BBCode, this is [b]this is bold[/b]. These tags are supported in the forums, program and resource descriptions, program instructions, and program notes: This is bold - [b]This is bold[/b] This is italic - [i]This is italic[/i] Underlined - [u]Underlined[/u] Strikethrough - [s]Strikethrough[/s] This is superscript - This is [sup]superscript[/sup] This is subscript - This is [sub]subscript[/sub] Google - [url=www.google.com]Google[/url] [img]http://smilebasicsource.com/favicon.ico[/img] To make lists like this:
  • A list
  • of items
Use this bbcode: [list] [*]A list [*]of items [/list] If you use [list=1] instead, you'll get a numbered list. Some special ones:
Look at my awesome codez plz
This is the [code][/code] tag set. The [code] tag takes everything within the tags EXACTLY as typed, so each line you make will show up. This includes the very first line, so if you post the code on a separate line from the [code] tag, it'll create an empty line in the code, like so:
Play around with it a bit until you get the results you want. You can also do: PRINT "Inline code" - [icode]PRINT "Inline code"[/icode] These are extra tags supported in Resources:

This is a big header

This is a medium header

This is a small header

Some content you want to link in the page

[b]Cheating is useful sometimes[/b] (replace all instances of [. with [ [ b ] [ / b ] without the spaces and the tags will appear exactly as they should be typed in your post)

Nice, I forgot you can't put tags within other tags.

[b]Cheating is useful sometimes[/b] (replace all instances of [. with [ [ b ] [ / b ] without the spaces and the tags will appear exactly as they should be typed in your post)
For the record that was really hard to type on mobile just saying

Is there a way to make page anchors? Like say I wanted to link to a certain command in a reference resource.

Oh. Uhhh IDK, I'll have to look at it.

Is there a way to make page anchors? Like say I wanted to link to a certain command in a reference resource.

Thanks! EDIT: Is there a way to get a bulleted list?

Thanks! EDIT: Is there a way to get a bulleted list?
Look underneath the image bbcode in the first post. It's like [list] and then some other stuff.