
well im done with SmileBasic

Root / General / [.]

A break may do you well. Sometimes the best solution to a problem is to come back with a different frame of mind after taking a break. Have fun. I wish you the best of luck.

@Raimonz I downloaded your example yesterday

@SwordX because of you I'm going to give it another shot. Man your friends are lucky to have you around. Talk to you soon

If you need any help, you can always ask for help in the forums and hopefully someone can make a Resource for your topic.

I will be back soon

Yeah, there's no point in banging your head against a brick wall. If you reached a point where you cannot advance further, just go do something else then later look for some tutorial or ask around for help. If you still can't get anywhere, take another break, etc...

ilovecopper was right by starting small. I made a learn folder in smileBASIC that way when I'm looking at tutorials I do the tutorial, save that chunk of code in that folder with a clear name. "input" , "array" ect ect It helps when you can't quite remember how something worked. With smileBASIC having 4 pages to use it helps when you can open a old learned function in a different page! I know a few things changed from petit computer but I'm sure some if not most of the tutorials on petitcomputer wiki can help. For example when you do the tutorial, typeing in things like PRINT hit the topleft [?] just to see if some subtle things changed in smileBASIC. I know it does kinda suck that smileboom is behind with the info. Hell the Japanese page is still waiting for there Beginner pages! Maybe you have already check these out but I'll leave them here for you! Bookmark them so after you pwn all in Soul Hackers you can look them up! Have a good one, and good luck. Kinda blurted this all out...it's late. http://petitcomputer.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Kevin's_Learning_Petit_Lessons <---old but may help you out still "ask questions here at smilebasicsource.com" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCVcRHjOi9HU8HjTkGRaiqA <-----PetitProfessor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX6lh-zpXGU&list=PLYF-xVMVFJbHvGkYi854_DmRbQasypQ25 <-------PetitProfessor in a playlist WHA!

Back when I was learning how to use PTC it was a very slow process. It makes sense that you're getting nowhere. Maybe take a good long break and come back to it. It'll even take me a long time to fully understand it all.

Back when I was learning how to use PTC it was a very slow process. It makes sense that you're getting nowhere. Maybe take a good long break and come back to it. It'll even take me a long time to fully understand it all.
Oh yeah, digdug is totally right. Forgot about that in my comment.

Everyone is so cool here. This is definitely a good group to hang with. I will be back at some point. I just feel like playing now instead of making now. I'm sure when I come back I will have more knowledge necessary to move forward. Thanks everybody and good luck with your current works

Windy you should stick around and just read the threads on here, it takes forever to "get going" but its a sort of snowball effect with learning. That, and people are still figuring out all the new stuff. I can see if I can write up a program for ya sometime that moves a character around.