I was trying to encapsule behaviors in a bullet hell using data. And done a demo by recreating undertale bullet hell system on smilebasic.
Now I'm facing a problem:
1-I have a lot of repeated data. I know that a technique is to inherate data from a base pattern and then do small changes... but this lead to the problem 2
2- Calling Restore or spanim cause after another call of Restore cause the lose of data from the first one. This is a simple example:
@pattern1 Data "create_bullet", 240,100 //Create a bullet Data "animate_bullet","I","@pattern2",0 //Set an animation to previous bullet Data "create_bullet", 220, 100 //Create another bullet Data "another_command" ... Data "end" @pattern2 //Here go data code according to SPANIM.In the previous example, everything from the line animate_bullet is lost because the queue of data is remade using the data of @pattern2 If I store a base pattern then the same will happen. I thought of using copy to store data in an array but it only allow one type. Anybody know a library to handle data? or a Strategy to handle this scenario? By the way, the key is KA5D4T3. Use konami code while playing to see different behaviors.