Might make SBS readonly: thread

Vote on next new feature

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

If I get more time to work on the website, I'd like to focus on what people want the most. So, do you want: (1) - Notifications and the ability to "follow" pages and threads so you can stay up to date on your stuff? (2) - Better forum abilities such as sticky threads, recent threads, popular threads, etc.? (3) - Private message system so you can send messages to each other and collaborate in private? (4) - Better program and resource page submission and proper comment editing/bbcode? Or maybe something entirely different? I'll work first on whatever we need the most. Post your choice or suggestion below. Edit: No matter what comes first, I'll probably also add a language setting for offline users and a chat notification (sound or something) if your name is said in the chat. Edit: Oops, some of these things were voted for but not implemented. I'm very sorry; I'm still getting to all these things.

I vote 1. I want to be able to be notified when someone replies to my brilliant comments. :D

I vote 2, since the forums is practically all I use on this site :) I've still got tons of feedback/requests for the forum, almost all of which is standard in other forum software, I just don't want to drop it all at once.

I really want all of them but if I can only just one then.....1

My vote is on 1. Trawling the front-page is only fun for so long. EDIT: My real vote is on an inline [code] tag.

I vote 1, but I'd all of these sound great. Especially 3. But again, my vote is on 1.

My vote is on 1. Trawling the front-page is only fun for so long. EDIT: My real vote is on an inline [code] tag.
Ooh, agreed about inline code tags. Could even use the exact same syntax, but switch to a <span> implementation when the tag has no linebreaks in it and there's other text on its line. Edit: this is sorta off-topic, but I couldn't think of a better thread to post it and I don't want to make a new thread (since I feel like I've been spamming new threads recently). I just had a thought - the SmileBOOM manual and reference material are useful, but contain a lot of errors and are sometimes confusing and hard to read. It has been suggested before that it might be a good idea to create a community-written manual. This would obviously be a large task, best worked on by collaboration rather than any individual or closed group. We need a Wiki. You could ask: how exactly should this wiki be structured? Should it be a wikia? Should it have the same system as Wikipedia? My answer: heck no. We should be copying the Garry's Mod wiki. This wiki is fabulous. It has a side-panel with EVERYTHING in it - all functions are documented in a well-structured way, and there's a search at the top if you're looking for anything specific. A function's wiki page looks like this: It starts off with a demonstration of the structure of the function: Then a free-text description: Then arguments: Then return value(s): And lastly, any number of examples: The most beautiful part is editing. Editing is done entirely via an easy-to-use form: This would be PERFECT for us. Keep in mind, the SmileBOOM official reference has exactly the same elements, but is a lot harder to read. Just look at this mess: It's the same - description, arguments, example (no return value in this specific case) but it's an absolute mess and your eyes go everywhere. Not to mention, there are a few mistranslation, typos and/or errors that could be ironed out. Okay, so let's say we've decided to go with a wiki identical to the Garry's Mod one. There are some big problems with that: The policy of SmileBASIC Source is to make everything ourselves - keep the external software to a minimum, which is why this forum is hand-made instead of phpbb or vbulletin or the like. For the wiki, we have 2 options, each with its own difficulties: A. If we're sticking to that policy, then creating a wiki of equal power and flexibility - even if we strip out as many features as we can that are irrelevant to us - sounds (to me) like a crazy task that could take several months or even years to complete. B. Even if we're dropping that policy for the sake of the wiki, I have no idea what software it's using and how much custom configuration was done on it, so even getting THAT to work for us would probably be a lot of trouble if it's even possible. I do know that the wiki maintainer, Robotboy655, is not an asshole and probably wouldn't mind at least pointing us at the right direction. Although I'm not sure if he could send us all the custom configuration files, as those are possibly trade secrets or some crap like that. Thoughts, anyone? Edit: Oh. This should help.

I just had a thought - the SmileBOOM manual and reference material are useful, but contain a lot of errors and are sometimes confusing and hard to read. It has been suggested before that it might be a good idea to create a community-written manual. This would obviously be a large task, best worked on by collaboration rather than any individual or closed group. We need a Wiki.
Hmmm. I like this idea. But Randomous is probably taking a break from this huge stuff.

Btw, I vote number 3

I vote for #1.

(1) would be the most handy for me as well. (I'd also like to support the in-line code tag sugggestion).

I vote for 3.

4 EDIT: I vote for 4 if that wasn't clear. Also, if I could vote for more than one of these things, I would vote for 1 as well. The current vote: six votes for 1, one vote for 2, two votes for 3, one vote for 4.

4 EDIT: I vote for 4 if that wasn't clear. Also, if I could vote for more than one of these things, I would vote for 1 as well. The current vote: six votes for 1, one vote for 2, two votes for 3, one vote for 4.
Thank you for the tally! And yes, I got the idea lol.

I vote for 4.

>Uno< :D

OK who was voting for inline code? It's a thing now Edit: the bbcode is [icode]this is inline[/icode]

First I thought to put my vote on 4. Then I realized that we need a better way to vote. So my vote is (2).

I vote (1) also make sure to add a proper poll system. :p

OK who was voting for inline code? It's a thing now
Thanks, that'll be handy! EDIT: typo