
Tree Of Life Development Thread!!

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

This thread will show upcoming content in my game Tree Of Life(KL4VVKE). Upcoming Content: -Scrolling text. -World 1 will FINALLY be finished!! -World 2(Won't be completed when released) -Better Animation... -And possibly(not confirmed) a smaller file...

[poll=p269][/poll](In Tree Of Life[KL4VVKE])

This is what the game card could possibly look like. This is The Tree Of Life Box Art.

Wait, so if its for SmileBasic, what is the cartridge and box for?
I don't know. I just decided to make them for fun.

More Upcoming Content: -The Tavern will have a new look and will just be better. -The battles will be completely redone and will now have a bag with potions and stuff.

make it so you can go backwards on the map lol

I will do that eventually, but you could be waiting quite a bit.


Once again some more upcoming features: -You will be able to go back to areas in the world maps. -The lower screen will now actually be used for something so it won't be a keyboard or just a black screen. -All the fights will have "better animation". And that's about it. For now........................................


UPDATE(VER 1.1): A lot of things have been changed since version 1.0, but here's a list of it all: -A new and improved Title Screen. -The summon scene has been redone. -There is now better animation(sort of)... -The bottom screen is now being used. -The first battle has been redone(the second battle has been redone yet but there will be an update very soon where it will be redone) -And finally, a smaller file(It used to be a very big file)...