Might make SBS readonly: thread

Testing version of my game coming later today or sooner

Root / General / [.]

So as you can tell from the title of this thread a testing version of my upcoming game (Which i cannot say the name of because that would *kinda* spoil the main focus of the game) is currently being made. It will (obviously) feature some of the beginning of the game and (hopefully) some more. Now, the testing version will only be sent out to three people, but i will only send it to people who i can trust that won't spoil what the game is or won't post a picture of the game, like *J.P.* for example. I am hoping to get the testing version out later today or tomorrow, so if i miss those dates I've either lost my dedication to making the game, become to lazy to finish the testing version, or something else has come up. Anyway, to anyone who is interested in receiving a key for the testing version, comment for a chance to receive a key. Also, the testing version will not be 100% polished, as that would take far to long to do. Anyway, I'll see you all later - KingCo

I wouldn't mind testing your game out when I have a chance. You have my word that no information will be leaked.

Ok, i will be ready to send you a key for it in hopefully an hour!

sign me up i take no pleasure in revealing secrets

sign me up i take no pleasure in revealing secrets
Ok! I'll send you the key in a bit!

Sure why the heck not

Sure why the heck not
Ok! I'll send you the key in a minute!

I'd love to be a beta tester :0

I'd love to be a beta tester :0
Hmm... I already have three testers, but i can make an exception, but just this once. I will be sending you the key in a minute, so check your messages every now and again. Just remember, DO NOT POST ANYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME on Miiverse or on here or really anywhere.