OMG finally someone uses this project that I put so much time into!!! Thank you!
Because you are the only (known) user of this, I can help you if you have any questions on how to do stuff, or are confused.
If you find any bugs, tell me and ill fix it and send a new key.
Thanks, -Mr_Mo
Tension - The Text Adventure Engine - NEW UPDATE
Root / Submissions / [.]
Make text adventure games like you've always wanted with the newly updated TENSION TEXT ADVENTURE ENGINE V4.2!
This Huge new update adds Containers!
Put StuffInside of stuffInside of stuffInside of stuffInside of stuffInside of stuffInside of stuff
With new features, and bug fixes, you will be able to make games like never before!
TENSION is the fastest, easiest way to get the job done!
I gave it a shot and this program is great!! I make text adventure games all the time but I haven't released any of them because I never end up finishing them for some reason lol
I tried to use this for a text RPG quite a long time ago.
Also, welcome back.
Hey, yeah I took a sort of extended break from SBS, but hopefully I will be able to post more often now.