I’ll type it for you then upload it and edit in the key.
This could take a while.
Edit:oh noes your code is broken
When I run it, it says wend without while but if I comment the problematic wend out, it says while without wend WHAT IS THIS TRICKERY?
I did fix a typo you made (you typed thne instead of then) but that’s the only thing I changed. So it is most likely your code.
Tech Demo Thing, colors that turn
Root / Talk About Programs / [.]
Not optimized or even good, but it's fun to play around with and I'm out of upload slots
Touch to draw walls, touch while pressing a button to place dots. Maximum number of dots can be modified by changing the variable MAC.
ACLS XSCREEN 3 OPTION DEFINT VAR MAC = 1000 'this is a pretty good starting point DIM DT[MAC] DIM DX[MAC] DIM DY[MAC] DIM C[4] COPY C,"@D" '--------------------- DISPLAY 1 GBOX 0,0,319,239,#BLACK 'invisible border around screen '--------------------- WHILE 1 FOR I=0 TO MAC-1 GPSET DX[I],DY[I],0 IF T && BUTTON(0)THEN DX[I] = X DY[I] = Y VSYNC 1 ELSE GPSET X,Y,#GRAY 'wall color, feel free to change this ENDIF 'the messy bit that needs work IF DT[I]==0 THEN INC DX[I] IF GSPOIT(DX[I],DY[I]) THEN DEC DX[I]:INC DT[I] ELSEIF DT[I]==1 THEN INC DY[I] IF GSPOIT(DX[I],DY[I]) THEN DEC DY[I]:INC DT[I] ELSEIF DT[I]==2 THEN DEC DX[I] IF GSPOIT(DX[I],DY[I]) THEN INC DX[I]:INC DT[I] ELSEIF DT[I]==3 THEN DEC DY[I] IF GSPOIT(DX[I],DY[I]) THEN INC DY[I]:DT[I]=0 ENDIF TOUCH OUT T,X,Y GPSET DX[I],DY[I],C[DT[I]] NEXT VSYNC 1 WEND @D DATA #RED, #YELLOW, #LIME, #CYANI feel like somehow this sort of dot physic could be used in a game, but I'm not sure how. Anyways hopefully someone can get some use out of this. :P EDIT: So it's broken. No idea why, I guess I'll just improve this and upload the program file for use with SBFM. Or maybe I'll try and make this into something playable... Hmm.