Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post

Suggestion: Program Update Notifications

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

How this would work would be that you would press a "downloaded" button or similar next to a program's public key once you've downloaded it. When the site detects that the public key has changed, it would give you a notification such as "Program xy has an update".

The watch button near the title does this, but for all edits.

Sure we can do that, but we have other things which I think need to come first.

Sure we can do that, but we have other things which I think need to come first.
All right. Don't want to stress you.
The watch button near the title does this, but for all edits.
I was thinking it would be a convenient way of checking if a program was edited but without going to the notifications page, seeing if any program pages were edited, and then figuring out if said program was updated. It could have a separate balloon with a separate colour for program updates to facilitate this further.