
SmileOS Suggestions/Bug reports

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Make a version that doesnt require DLC
Which DLC?
The only one that's out... the sound dlc, if you dont have it its unusable because of the ARYOP Command (or whatever it is)

Make a version that doesnt require DLC
Which DLC?
The only one that's out... the sound dlc, if you dont have it its unusable because of the ARYOP Command (or whatever it is)
Ah, okay. I had the impression that all of the DLC was supposed to be out but I couldn't see it for some reason. Thanks

I think I forgot to mention this, I am definitely willing to beta test this OS, if you'd like. This still has to be one of my favorite programs on SBSource and I would love to contribute in some way.

DLC? Where, well, that doesn't matter anymore, Jewel is being completely rebuilt :)