
SmileBOY development update

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What happened to this lol

What happened to this lol
Still working on it, just busy with exams... :P I think I'll roll out some more screenshots the coming week. EDIT: I'm currently setting up NitroStream to record a few (unfinished messy) emulated gameplay clips.

This is exciting I really hope it gets to a playable point! But if it gets popular, it'd also be a violation which Nintendo might get mad about Keep developing :0

You should post the code for download instead of putting a public key, as this might get taken down due to violation. You can do this using SBFM (since you have homebrew) or PetitModem.

You should post the code for download instead of putting a public key, as this might get taken down due to violation. You can do this using SBFM (since you have homebrew) or PetitModem.
Yeah, I should probably do that. I just need to find an easy way to share this with the world. I can use encryption, so they won't find out (easily), but then I still violate the SB law :P I'll probably stick to PetitModem & Homebrew.

You should post the code for download instead of putting a public key, as this might get taken down due to violation. You can do this using SBFM (since you have homebrew) or PetitModem.
Yeah, I should probably do that. I just need to find an easy way to share this with the world. I can use encryption, so they won't find out (easily), but then I still violate the SB law :P I'll probably stick to PetitModem & Homebrew.
petitmodem is the 100% most legit way to transfer very encrypted files without the internet

I might release the source code on GitHub, that makes it a little inconvenient, since you have to clone it first, then transfer to SmileBASIC, but it's doable and I won't risk it being taken down.

I'm curious, what about this would actually violate the rules? As long as you're not distributing any proprietary ROMs or anything.

I don't think it'd violate the rules per se, but no way would Nintendo be cool with a Game Boy emulator on their console.

I don't think it'd violate the rules per se, but no way would Nintendo be cool with a Game Boy emulator on their console.
Especially since they have their own (Virtual Console).

I don't think it'd violate the rules per se, but no way would Nintendo be cool with a Game Boy emulator on their console.
You can already run a GB emu with the browser. Like the theoretical Smilebasic version, it's way too slow to be useful.

I don't think it'd violate the rules per se, but no way would Nintendo be cool with a Game Boy emulator on their console.
Then why aren’t all of the homebrew emulators being taken down

I don't think it'd violate the rules per se, but no way would Nintendo be cool with a Game Boy emulator on their console.
Then why aren’t all of the homebrew emulators being taken down
Because it's not illegal to make a GB emulator for the 3DS. Nintendo has no legal standing to take down an emulator on a site they don't control. However, SmileBASIC is an officially licensed 3DS game sold on the eShop, which Nintendo does control. Sure, a GB emulator wouldn't be illegal, but Nintendo absolutely has the right to tell SmileBoom "Take down the GB emulator or we'll take SmileBASIC off the eShop."

So will you ever post the code for this on git?

So will you ever post the code for this on git?
I'm thinking probably some day. ...at the moment I am working my way towards understanding enough to make my own gameboy emulator. on SB. No hype yet, but I've completed a virtual machine project. Chances are I can then re-adapt the VM into a gameboy emulator by changing the already existing structure around a bit (or a lot depending). And fork my current VM into a gameboy emulator. (yup that's right). I don't know how far I'll get but I have two options. 1) Start from scratch all over again using knowledge I gained building my virtual machine which I finished pretty fast. 2) Build on the virtual machine where I may have to make a lot of changes (but it would not be as hard as startin from scratch I think)

The fact that we still have nothing on this is kinda concerning...

The fact that we still have nothing on this is kinda concerning...
What do you mean?

No screenshots, no new information, and it’s been a very long time since RaichuBender has said anything. I think this project is dead.

No screenshots, no new information, and it’s been a very long time since RaichuBender has said anything. I think this project is dead.
Luckily my research into a VM that can be compiled for should give me the know-how needed to make my own gameboy emulator. Hint: I already have tetris on smilebasic and I can load and identify gb opcodes. I just can't (execute) them yet. That doesn't mean anything though. After I finish my full Compiler for the SmileBasic VM I'll start work on my own gameboy emulator and learn from there.

No screenshots, no new information, and it’s been a very long time since RaichuBender has said anything. I think this project is dead.
Luckily my research into a VM that can be compiled for should give me the know-how needed to make my own gameboy emulator. Hint: I already have tetris on smilebasic and I can load and identify gb opcodes. I just can't (execute) them yet. That doesn't mean anything though. After I finish my full Compiler for the SmileBasic VM I'll start work on my own gameboy emulator and learn from there.
Way to hijack a project lol. RIP RaichuBender’s hopes and dreams.