
SmileBASIC Source Chat - WebSocket has been killed

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

Thanks to some technical difficulties, randomouscrap has decided to change the chat from WebSocket to Ajax. This will mean quite a bit of lag getting messages, and messages piling up until the chat polls the Ajax again. If you want alternatives with less lag, there's always the SmileBASIC IRC (#smilebasic, irc.freenode.net), the SmileBASIC Source Discord (https://discord.gg/5bvJzxE, run by Sam), and Trinitro21's Trotyl chatroom (https://trotyl.tk/chat). While I'm here, might as well note that in 4 days, it will be the anniversary of SBS. Signing off, BrokenR3C0RD Official-ish Newsposter

This is no longer the case. Everything is fine, no worries!