Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post

SmileBASIC SDK build on Linux

Root / General / [.]

What I'm thinking of doing is building a SmileBASIC SDK built on Puppy Linux that basically has everything that you need already installed, that includes things like the modified Aseprite Pirate made(as well as his Homebrew project packaged inside by Trinitro20), the Petit Modem system, and probably some text editors that doesn't do a whole bunch of configuring with characters. Just so you know, it may take a while, I need to scan through and this will just be a hobby. If you wish to publish your addition to the SDK, package it as a .pet file or as a .exe(Windows executable) file. Once I build this, I'll publish the iso with the GNU Public License probably on Github. That means you can make your own additions to the distro and publish them here, if you really have an idea for a logo or something for the background(We don't all want Tahr Puppy background here) please post it. Every little bit helps, let's just not turn into this.