I couldn't get this to work. Not sure why.
MPSTART 2, "PROGRAM" PRGEDIT 1 S=PRGSIZE(1,0) MPSEND STR$(S) PRINT S FOR I=1 TO S A$=PRGGET$() PRINT A$ WAIT 3 NEXTNow here is the program for receiving the file.
DIM R$ DEF LISTEN REPEAT MPRECV OUT SID,R$ UNTIL SID != -1 END MPSTART 2,"PROGRAM" PRGEDIT 1 LISTEN RCV$=R$ PRINT "RCV:";RCV$ FOR I=1 TO VAL(RCV$) LISTEN R$ = LEFT$(R$, LEN(R$) - 1) PRGINS R$,1 PRINT R$ NEXT PRINT "DONE"Hope this is helpful as an example of using the networking and for moving short programs from one system to another without the upload tool. Thank you.