Why doesn't this have more attention? It looks legit and cool!
Sadistic Danmaku Shooter
Root / Submissions / [.]
Version:2Size:559104 B
An attempted danmaku shooter. It is built off of the structure of a program named MAIDFLY, by Kiyo; included for reference in the project's folder.
That boss is sadistic as heck!!
He just changed the sprites and enemy patterns from MAIDFLY.
Maybe because it's deficient...
Did you try it?
I hope you know that a user reskined this as their own game and Didn't credit
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I hope you know that a user reskined this as their own game and Didn't credit
Could I have more information about this alleged reskin?
I feel like you might be misunderstanding something...
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I hope you know that a user reskined this as their own game and Didn't credit
At least they added some different gameplay to it...
also the credit is literally in the description of this program listing.
Replying to:
I hope you know that a user reskined this as their own game and Didn't credit
Would you please tell me what program/s is/are being discussed?
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I hope you know that a user reskined this as their own game and Didn't credit
Dizzy dudes Halloween games, a series of reskins including this
Replying to:
I hope you know that a user reskined this as their own game and Didn't credit
Thanks. I'll look into it (if I feel like it?)
This sounds cliche to be happy about but
Omg yaaay someone downloaded my program!!
My program is an edit of another anyway... so it's not exactly offensive if they're copying it, I suppose, as they're more-so copying the original creator?
sounds like SB wanted you to think it was REJECTED LOL
I think when I got it, I was wondering if REJECTED could be a key and asked about how we could tell if that was the key or that a program literally just got rejected by the server
imagine if ghost was a key for a ghost game and apple was a key for a game about apples
imagine if RGRPG was part of the key for a really great RPG fangame or even an official RGRPG game