RPG Maker
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So, i am working pretty hard on the RPG Maker i startet with PTC and i am currently fixing a lot of Bugs, and trying to get everything to SmileBasic. But i am pretty sure this will still need some time to reach a state, where i can develop it.
All things that are included for now are the following:
1. Big Map Engine, to make huge maps (theoretically maps of 1000 of screen sizes possible), with the layers, collision, quest points, monster spawns, and no loading time while ingame. There will also be an easy solution, to have 2 or more "map parts" at the same position, like a burned forest and a good one (used to make it easy later to change the map while the story progresses if needed).
2. Quest System, that is connected to the map and comes with different quest types like hunt, collect, talk, trigger (special condition),deliver,escort,area (activated in a special place) and of course custom. quest types These types can of course be mixed for main and side quests. Also a decision tree can be used, to change the story depending on the actions made.
3.Sound System, to work and define sounds and music.
4.Skill System, where skills, buffs and debuffs are defined. (here the sounds from the sound engine can be used)
5.Item System, to define all items (quest items and normal ones)
6.GUI, to create what the player sees, along with the controls
7.Interaction System, to create dialogs used for the quests and interaction with npc's
8.NPC system, where all NPC's are defined with their skills, items, animation and sounds
9.A cutscene System, that should make it easy to create simple cutscenes.
10.And a general rpg system, that you will run, including day/night cycle,weather (in the map editor, it will be defined if an area is influenced by weather, or if it is inside.), inventory system,swimming algorithm (if set to include),a skill tree,etc.
I will also include 8 direction animation for the main sprite,hopefully some monsters, stuff to build fantasy-medieval like areas like houses and streets and some icons (for shops and skills). The fight System will be real time, means not round based. I will also give a "roll" animation for the main sprite.
All in all i want to make the development of an RPG as easy as possible, so everything should be pretty easy connected, like quest points on the map, or the skills and the npc's.
I am working on this for quite a time now and would be happy about any suggestions, what is missing. Thanks for every help.